Confessions (Alone)

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*•*•*•*•*•Michael's POV*•*•*•*•*•
I sigh and look around. Where is she?
I walk out of the cafeteria and back into the halls.
"Jazzie?" I call again.
I've been looking for her for almost ten minutes now. I've looked everywhere. She wasn't in the caf, she wasn't in her fourth hour still, and she's not in the halls.
Did something happen?
I pull out my phone and text her:
'Baby, where are you? Are you okay?'
I sigh and put my phone back into my pocket after I realize that she's not gonna reply.
I walk back into the cafeteria, raking my brain for anything I may have done to hurt her.
Fear runs through me for a second, but I shake my head, shaking away the thought in the process. There's no way...she couldn't have found out... there's no way...
*•*•*•*•*•Jaz's POV*•*•*•*•*•
My phone buzzes in my pocket, giving me a second's escape from crying. I wipe my cheeks with my hands and pull out my phone.
It's from Michael. I read it and sigh, then put my phone away without replying.
I know maybe I shouldn't be acting like this, I should probably talk to him about it but I can't. I'm too hurt.
Ashley wasn't lying, I could see it in her eyes.
I can't believe he did this to me, he's too sweet...
Wait a minute... you know what? It actually makes sense. Of course he would do this, I mean look at me. Why would he like me? He's Michael Jackson, and I'm just plain old, unpopular me. He could have anyone, Ashley was right, that's the only way he would ever date me.
I shake me head. I should've known.
*•*•*•*•*•Michael's POV*•*•*•*•*•
The bell rings, ending lunch. I head to fifth hour, slower than usual. I don't know what's going on with Jaz and I don't like it.
But hey, I have fifth hour with her, so maybe I can get her to talk to me. I just hope she didn't get checked out or something.
I walk into the classroom and my fears are diminished. She's already in, sitting in her usual seat.
The teachers not in so I kneel down beside the desk, facing her. I kiss the side on her head.
"Hey baby." I say, hoping she'll smile back and be her normal self, like this was just a misunderstanding.
But she doesn't. Instead she turns even more into her book and pretends to be reading, but I know she isn't.
"Jazzie," I say in a softer tone. "baby, tell me what's wr-"
"Don't call me that!" She snaps, suddenly turning towards me, earning a few curious stares.
She shakes her head. "Don't ever call me that again, get away from me."
I stare at her, shocked. My stomach sinks.
"What are you talking about? What happened?" I ask, although I think I already know...
She shakes her head again and turns back to her book, shaking with anger.
"Ja-" I start.
"Mr. Jackson!" Mr. Meyers calls, drawing my attention from Jazzie.
"Go sit down at your proper seat or I'll count you absent."
I sigh and turn back to Jaz. "Please, tell me baby." I whisper.
"Michael!" Mr. Meyers snaps. "I'm tired of you disrupting my class. GO. SIT. DOWN."
I sigh heavily and shoot up, give Jaz one last look, then walk out.
*•*•*•*•*•Jazzie's POV*•*•*•*•*•
I sigh after he storms out and lay my head on my desk. I wish this didn't happen.
I need to talk to him about this. I can't keep ignoring him, I just want this to stop.
I sigh, grab my bag and head towards the door.
Mr. Meyers clears his throat loudly.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?" He demands.
I sigh and start to turn around, but I decide against it and keep walking. he yells after me but I ignore him and walk out.
I walk down the halls, searching for Michael.
When I don't see him inside I walk out into the parking lot and spot him sitting on his motorcycle, putting on his helmet.
"Michael!" I call and walk a little faster towards him.
He doesn't look at me but he stops what he's doing, letting me know he's not going anywhere .
I finally get to him and stop about a foot away from his bike.
I sigh. "Michael, I-"
"Now you wanna talk to me??" He snaps, looking at me.
"I shouldn't have ignored you, I'm just upset-"
"And do you really think I can make it better if you ignore me?"
I stare at him a minute, surprised by his tone. I'm supposed to be the mad one here.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask firmly.
He shakes his head and looks away. "I don't know what you're talking about." he says.
"Don't play that with me," I say seriously. "I'm gonna ask you one more time, if you don't answer me, I'm gone. Why would you do this to me?"
He sighs and looks down. "I'm sorry Jaz..."
"That's not what I asked for."
He's quiet for a moment.
"I can't turn down a dare. I promised I would do it before they told me what the dare was..."
My heart sinks a little. I knew it was true, a part of me just didn't wanna believe it. Hearing it from him makes it that much more real.
"I wouldn't have done it if I knew what it was." He says, finally looking at me.
"Because I'm Jaz. I'm too uncool for you, right?" I shake my head and start to turn away. He grabs my arm.
"Please, believe me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you... please don't leave."
"Why not? You already got what you wanted...You broke my heart.." Although I was trying not to let myself cry, I tear up.
I look into his eyes and rip my arm from his grip. "So give me one good reason why I should stay." I say.
Now he tears up. He stares into my eyes as his bottom lip quivers.
"Because...because.. I love you."

The Player's Bet ( A Michael Jackson fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now