The Player's Bet ( a michael jackson fanfic )

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" Welcome to KFC, may I take your order? "

I said, slightly embarrassed.

Michael's ordering, and he's just staring at me!

Michael and I go to Morgan High School together, here in North Carolina.

Michael is a really cute, really popular guy at school, the oppisite of me.

My name is Jaz'Maerriee, but everyone calls me Jaz or Jazzie.

This is the only time he ever talks to me, when he orders food.

This is usually the only time anyone ever talks to me...... when they order food.

All the other times are at school, where it's all insults, or at home with my parents.

Michael finally ordered and took a seat next to his friends.

I watched him go and sighed.

I wish he'd notice me, and him being famous dosen't help.

Maybe someday.

***** Michael's P.O.V. *****

I sat back down with my friends and waited for our food to be ready.

David, my best friend out of my group, looked at me, at Jaz, and then back to me.

He smilled and stared at me.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

" I have an idea. "

he said.

" What? "

I asked.

" I have a dare for you, are you up for it? "

I smilled, he knows I love a challenge.

" Uh, yeah, duh!! "

I said.

" Ok, but you have to promise to do it, you can't back down. Ok? "

" Deal! What is it? "

I asked.

" Ok dude, you promised. "

he said.

I nodded.

" See Jaz over there? "

He asked and pointed to her.

I nodded again.

" I dare you, to ask Jaz out, date her for two weeks, get her to fall in love with you, then dump her. "

he said.

My jaw dropped. Is he serious?!

Jaz is the most unpopular person alive, and David expects me, Michael Jackson, to go out with her?!

I have to do it though, he dared me and I already promised I would.

" Order 369! "

Jaz called to me.

I sat there and glared at David.

He gustured for me to go and I reluctantly stood up.

" Fuck you man. Fuck you. "

I mumbled to him, only loud enough for our table to hear.

Everyone laughed and waved their hands towards Jaz.

I turned away from them, quickly turning my glare to a smile and walking towards Jaz.

Once I got to the counter, Jaz immeadently looked away.

I grabbed my tray, but stood there untill she looked at me.

" Jaz? "

I asked.

" Yes M-Michael? "

She stuttered.

I looked back at the guys, and they were laughing their heads off.

I sighed and turned back to her.

" Will you......will you be my girl? "

I asked.

Her jaw dropped.

" A-are you serious? "

she asked quietly.

" Yep. "

I said.

A huge grin spread across her face.

" Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I will! Thank you Michael! "

she squealed.

" Yep. "

I said, put on a fake smile, and walked back to my table.


K guys, this is my new story, what do ya think?

This is my new fanfic for @JazzieJayyyz, check her out, she's awesome!!!!!

And dont forget to comment, vote, follow ( me and JazzieJayyyz! ) and most of all, KEEP READING!!!

thanks, I love ya!

peace out!!!

-xxxxx Vikki

( p.s. I know that this chapter isn't very good, but I promise it'll get better!! :). )

The Player's Bet ( A Michael Jackson fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now