Chapter 8

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India POV
I walked In the house with Imani Dances Bag In My Left Hand And Rylie's Hand In My Right Hand , I Dropped Mani's Bag On The Floor and sat down on the couch ignoring Ronald
"Mommy I eat?" Ryliee asked
"Yes baby let mommy catch her breath first "
"Maaaa Can You Fix My Hair ? I have Cheer Practice !" Imani Said coming in the house with her bookbag , I had just got her from school
"Yes Give Me A Min Please " I said
" I am going to be late Ma !"
"Well Get Your Hair Stuff And bring it here " I rubbed my belly I Am Currently 7 Months Pregnant 2 More Months To Go

These Past Few Months Since I Found Out I Was pregnant with the twins has been Hell its hard trying to care for two kids and being pregnant especially with twins I'm big as hell , I try to keep Imani As Busy as possibly Imani Is 10 Almost 11 So I'm Planning A Baby Shower and Her Party. Ryliee Is 3 Hopefully I'll have the twins on her birthday My Due date is her birthday that's pretty cool

As For Ronald & I? Im done with him ! I've Moved Out But I Bring Him The Kids Every Friday After school for the weekend , I brushed Imani Hair into a ponytail and stood up "Tell Your Daddy to make you something I gotta go ryliee " I said kissing her forehead

I proceed out the door into my car and drove to my mother house

I wobbled straight inside and took a seat on the couch
"Child you look like you gonna pop any minute" my momma said looking at me
"I know , I'm exhausted I wish they would come already " I said taking a deep breath

"I wouldn't rush it if I were you baby 2 newborn and 1 busy toddler who still needs lots of attention & another one whos schedule is always busy. Have you thought about having Ronald move back in to help with the kids ?"

" I know momma but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship again " I said

"India I'm not saying get back into a relationship I'm just saying its best that you guys co-parent in the same house , sleep in different bedrooms each of you get up in the middle of the night with the babies , you stay home with the babies while he takes Ryliee and Imani to school and pick them up "

" I guess" I said rubbing my big belly

"And its what's best for the kids its unhealthy to see parents constantly fighting and breaking up those babies need both of y'all you can't not take care of 4 kids alone and this time around I will not be a daycare I will take them when I wanna take them , your kids your responsibility"

"Okay mama imma get going " she had really pissed me saying your kids your responsibility like bitch I ain't ask you to do shit for my kids I will do this shit alone if I have to

Monday Morning
Its 6:45am I had just woke up back to my usual routnie I got up going to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth I took a quick 20 min shower then throwing on some sweat pants im too big to wear jeans
I brushed my hair into a ponytail

I proceed into the hallway going in the bathroom turning on ryliee's bath water after I went into her room to awake her

"Get up baby time for school" I said picking her up although I'm really not suppose to be carrying her I am

I stripped her out her clothes then sitting in her the tub I left out the bathroom to awake Imani

"Get up Mani and get in the shower you have 30 mins to get in and get dress " I said walking out her room I'm glad I don't have to bathe her anymore

I went back into the bathroom to finish washing up ryliee I grabbed her duck towel wrapping it around her walking her back into her room

After drying and lotioning her up I got her dress in checker pants , a red long sleeve shirt , black flats , and a black blazer I quickly brushed her into a high net bun with a bow

"Go to tell Mani to come on " I said grabbing her doc mcstuffin bag off the floor going downstairs

Within 5 mins both Imani and ryliee were running down the steps
Imani was dressed in black & pink star socks over her all pink sweater and sweat pants with black and pink sneaker she had did her own hair which was great thank the lord

" come on girls I'll stop to dunkin donuts " I said grabbing my key cars I didn't have time to cook breakfast

Ryliee goes to school at 8:30am we were late but oh well I stop to DD ordering myself a cup of coffee , Ryliee and Imani a small strawberry collata with whip cream , egg and chesse sandwhichs and I got myself some hash browns and a dozen of strawberry covered donuts

Its was around 8:50am when I finnaly got to Ryliee school I brought her in and jumped back into the car hoping to get Imani to school by at least 9:05am school starts at 9:00am for her

2Hours Later
I was in Carters baby store buying my babies some more clothes and bottles I will be going in soon I have just about everything though I can't wait to see what they will look like

When I got home I seen Ronald car parked in front of the house I got out grabbing the bags walking to the door

He walked behind me taking the bags
"Don't grab any bags again"
I rolled my eyes before saying "k"
"Can we talk?" He asked sincerely

"Yeah sure " I said opening the door walking in

-------OMG I haven't updated in 2 years I apologized But I know where I want this story to go now so be on the look out for many updates loves -----

Sorry for any mistakes

Love Is Worth It (A India westbrooks and Ronald Robinson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now