Chapter 1

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India POV  

Hi my name is India im 28 with two kids I love my babies they're my world And then its Ronald my first love,baby daddy,Fiance,boyfriend ,My everything back when me and him were teens our relationship was crazy so much stuff happend and I stood by him and held him down he is now in the NFL He's Famous and Im famous also I've been famous for the longest My daughter Ryliee is bad is hell I still love her plus she only three and Ronald let her get away with everything then its my first born Imani if you notice My first daughter name starts with a "I" for India and my second daughter name starts with a "R" for Ronald Anyways back to Imani shes a sweetheart at times but she got my attitude and personality and Shes a spilt image of Ronald Thats my baby her Ryliee stay arguing both of them bratz are bad is hell I just want a son And thats it With kids for me

-India House April 3 9:00Am- 

"Mani Come On I need to do your hair"I yell to my oldest daughter

"Coming"Imani yelled  

I rolled my eyes this child always got me late for something and I cant stand doing her hair it takes me forever because she has alot of hair after 2 Mins Imani came downstairs dressed in a Blue and green dress with blue and green Sandels she looked cute  

"Sit down" I told her  

She did as told and sat down I decided to Put her hair in two ponytails so I parted it Down the middle and put a black rubber ban around both ponytails then got four blue and green hairbows and Put a blue hairbow at the top of the left ponytail then I added some water and Mosse and twisted it down and added the green hairbow to the end then did the same for the right side  

"Alright your done"I told Imani as she got up  

"Thanks where we going"Imani Asked  

"You will see when we get there now go wake up Ryliee for me while I pick out her clothes"I told Imani  

"Alright" Imani said as she got up and went upstaris  

-Ryliee Room- 

"Ryliee come on you gotta take bath"India told Ryliee  

"NO"Ryliee yelled at India  

"YES NOW RYLIEE GET YOUR ASS UP"India yelled at Ryliee Getting upset  

"Im tired mommy"Ryliee whined  

"I Am too baby but we gotta go some where okay?"India asked 

"Yes mommy"Ryliee said  

India picked her up and washed her up in the bath tub  

After India washed Ryliee up she Picked out her clothes she put her on Pink shorts with a "Im a cutie"Shirt with some White flats India tucked Ryliee shirt into her shorts And put her on a pink belt then she did her hair in a bun and put a pink flower head band on her

India POV  

Now That I got the kids ready it time for me to get ready Ryliee stubborn ass was taking up all my time Ronald and I is brining the kids out to red lobster their favortie restaurant but Ronald is not home he just got back from a NFL Game in ATL So the kids didn't see him in a about a week and I wanted to suprise them anyways I did my everyday routine I brushed my teeth and took a shower I put on A black tight fitting Dress (India to theside with her dress on »»»»») and my red bottoms then I flat iron my hair and did my make up its always paparizi and I gotta be cute now im ready to meet my man at red lobster of course we got the restaurant to our seleves fans be going crazy when the see us anyway Me and the girls just came out the house and We outside now

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