I open my eyes slowly, the sun warming my face with its soft yellow light. I smile a bit, and hum happily under my breath. I glance beside me. Lou is smiling softly and snoring gently. I sit up a bit and realize that Zayn crawled in on my other side. He's out, his head lolled on my pillow as i adjust my position. I have a wet spot on my shirt from his drool. Cute. I look around my room. Harry his curled up in my beanbag chair, covered in a blanket. Liam is nowhere to be found. He's always first awake.
I slowly get up, not wanting to wake up Zayn or Lou. I grab a pair of sweats, and jam a beanie onto my head. I yawn and tip-toe out into the hall. I can smell pancakes already, and I grin, padding down the many stairs.
Liam is in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts, making pancakes. He hears me come in, and turns around smiling.
"Hey! I'm almost done here, if you wanna set the table. I'll try to wake up the boys," he says flipping the last pancake onto the platter. I nod and grab some plates and sit them down on the breakfast bar. Liam bounds up the stairs to wake up the lads-good luck. I grab the syrup, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, berries, and some haribos. Then I hop up onto a stool at the breakfast bar and help myself to four chocolate chip pancakes.
The first one to appear beside me is Louis. He grins and plops down beside me shoveling pancakes onto his plate.
"Excellent!" he says rubbing hus hands together and piling haribos onto his panckes.
Harry slips onto a seat wordlessly, and silently helps himself to a few pancakes.
And then Zayn comes. He stumps down the stairs and drops into a stool, huffing and groaning. He flops a few pancakes onto his plate and eats them poutily, eyes half closed and hair a mess. I can still see some drool on the side of his face. I giggle a bit through some of the pancake in my mouth.
Liam stays standing, eating two pancakes.
"So what are we doing today lads?" he asks gazing at us all.
I shrug and study my pancakes.
"I fancy paying that girl Evalyn a wee visit," Louis says mischeiviously.
I sigh. "I don't know Lou..."
"Please please pleeeaaassee?!?! I promise to behave!" he says looking at me expectantly.
"Fine," I snap shoving a peice of pancake into my mouth.
Louis pumps his fist in triumph, and bounds up the stairs to get ready. The rest of the boys follow him. Soon it's just me and Liam left. I just stare at my plate.
"Don't worry. We'll take it easy on her today. No craziness," Liam says looking at me reassuredly.
I smile weakly. He pats me on the shoulder as he walks past me and uo the stairs. I sigh again. I follow him, dragging my feet.
An hour later, the lads are presentable. All showered and dressed comfortabley. I'm feeling very nervous. Evalyn kicked me out the last time I was with her. Who says she won't do it again?
"Alright then? Let's go," Liam says and we make our way out the door. We cross the grass between the houses and Mallory is on the front porch, sipping an iced tea. She raises her eyebrows when she sees me.
"Back again sir?" she says sounding somewhat surprised and gratified.
I blush a little bit.
"Yeah, gonna give it another go," I say smiling charmingly.
She glances behind me at the boys raising an eyebrow. They smile and wave.
"Who are they?" She asks
"My friends. Very good with people," I say somewhat hopefully.
She looks back to me again.
"She barely ate last night. What'd you do?" She asks accusingly.
I shift uncomfortably.
"We had a bit of a disagreement," I say slightly ashamed.
Mallory nods pursing her lips thoughtfully.
"Come in then, she's upstairs in the rec room. Find your way," she says waving us in.
Louis does a fist pump and we clump up the wooden stairs and file through the door. The house is set up like mine, with the giant grand staircase right when you walk in. I sigh. So many stairs. We all bound up the stairs and the huge hallway with dozens of doors and other hallways greets us. And other staircases.
"Very well off, these people," Zayn mutters to Liam.
The walls are lined with pictures and paintings, and the carpeted floor renders us soundless. There are lanterns hangning on the walls, dimly illuminating the hall.
"Right. Lets try to find the rec room," Louis says eagerly.
We try the first few rooms and all that is inside are beds and furniture. We keep going down the hall until we come to another smaller hall coming off the main one.
"What about down there?" Louis asks pointing. We all peer down the long narrow hall. I can hear a clanking noise coming from one of the rooms.
We hesitantly start down the hall. The clanking stops but we have already found the door that the sound was eminating from.
I push it open a little bit. I can see a pool table, a couch, a tv, and a whole lot of excersize equipment. The sun is streaming into the room and on the chin up bar, is Evalyn, wearing gym shorts, a sports bra, and her long hair in a ponytail. Her body glistens with sweat and I can see the outline of a six-pack on her flat stomach. She's got her eyes closed, and her small biceps are flexing each time she pulls herself up to the bar. To say she looked beautiful would be an understatement. She looked majestic. Or glorious.
Lou nudged me betweem my shoulderblades with his knuckles. I nodded, but I was speachless.
Evalyn opened her eys. She was expressionless while she took in the five teen boys watching her. She let herself drop off the chinup bar and she turned around to grab her tshirt. I could see now the white scars rippling on her back muscles as she grabbed the shirt. She walked over to us, mopping her face with it, and I could see more scars running up her biceps and forearms, circling her torso, and tattooing her shoulders and collar bones. Some were fine white lines, almost like hair, while others where thicker and more jagged, and they were all slightly raised off her skin.
She smiled a little bit at me and glanced questioningly behind me at my entourage.
"Oh ah these are my friends from England. They surprised me with a visit last night. They're gonna be living with me for the next while," I say gesturing towards the boys. They waved at Evalyn good naturedly and she waved back.
"Zayn, Harry, Liam, and Louis," I say pointing to each one in turn.
Evalyn draped the shirt over her shoulders and leaned her weight on one foot and examined the boys critically. It was adorable to say the least.
Then she smiled slightly bigger.
"Alright, come in then,"
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Love to dust
FanfictionWhen Niall moves from Ireland to Georgia he isn't excpecting to love it. But then he meets Evalyn, a silent, mysterious girl. Suddenly, his world and her world collide and Niall begins to realize that you can find love in the most unlikely of places...