Chapter 1: Niall's POV

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It's hot and muggy when i step out of the car. I squint into the sun as i look up at the huge mansion in front of me. It's one of the oldest plantation houses in Georgia according to dad. As if that's supposed to make me want to move here more.

Dad comes around to me and slings his arm over my shoulder. I shoot him a sideways glance clearly stating for him to get away from me, but he's either too stupid to notice, or he just doesn't care.

"Look at that Niall. Isn't it lovely? We can start a whole new life here!" he says to me looking at the mansion. I roll my eyes.

My older brother Greg pushes last and stalks into the house. He's about as pleased as i am about the move.

So in other words, he's in a right foul mood.

Of course, he's been in a foul mood for about...a month and two weeks. But then again, so have i.

I haven't been myself ever since mum ditched us for some crackhead in Dublin or wherever she went. I could care less about her. I mean, she doesn't are about me dad and Greg, so why should i care about her? Although i had predicted the break-up for a while, it still hurt.

It was a slow process. Mum had to stay at work late more and more often, and on her days off she would find reasons to spend hours and hours shopping. Or running errands or whatever the lies were. Finally my curiosity got the better of me. You know how they say 'Curiosity killed the cat?' Well in this case, the cat was my heart, and yes, what i discovered figuritively killed it. I went into my mum's bedroom one day when she was gardening- one of the few times she was actually home- and i went through her purse. I found her phone and pulled it out and scrolled through her messages. I found one conversation with a contact i wasn't famiar with. I read through it. My heart slowly broke into dozens of peices, as each message i read wiggled its way into my permanent memories.

I threw the phone down. I couldn't touch that disgusting peice of filth any longer.

What i had read made my mums thoughts perfectly clear: she didn't care about me dad or Greg. All she wanted to do was leave.

I stumbled to Greg's room and told him of what i discovered.

"Be prepared to wake up one day, and no longer have a mum, ok Niall?" he said looking staight at me. He didn't look upset or in as much pain and anguish as i was in.

Later that night, i could hear quiet sobbing through the wall seperating our rooms.

I couldn't tell dad. I just couldn't. So for two long weeks, Greg and i waited in agony. We waited for our mother to abandon us.

One morning, i woke up to the sound of my fathers sobbing, exhoing through a suddenly empty bedroom. I slid deeper into my covers and slipped my pillow over my head. I didn't want to hear my father weeping with a broken heart. Who wants to hear a grown man crying his heart out?

A month later, dad informed Greg and i that we would be moving to Georgia. All the way in America. I was not at all enthusiastic to leave the only home i had ever known behind.

But dad was.

He told us that he had been promoted to be the president of the company he worked for. I knew that that was only half of the reason. My father was running. From ghosts, ghosts of my mum.

I lug my suitcase up the stairs and into the house-er-mansion. Inside it is dusty and full of old furniture. It's big, very big.

I go up the stairs to choose my room.

Can i just say, that the amount of steps on the stair case were highly unnecessary.

I finally get to the top of the mountainous stair case, and see a long hallway lined with doors. I peer in the first one.


I move on to the second one.


I go through the line of doors until i come to one at the end of the hall. It's sky blue, and there's a balcony. I set down my suitcase, and go to the balcony and walk out onto it.

The sun is warm on my face and a nice breeze is blowing in my face.

Suddenly, i see something.

There is a person sitting in the back field. I squint, but i can't make out what they look like.

I make my way back downstairs, to meet the mystery person.

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