Chapter 6 NIALL'S POV

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Say wat?


U know, new arrivals, foreign alliances..


I know wat visitors are u idiot.


Fine, we dont hav to come


NO NO thats terrific!! When will you show up?!?!


A few days at best. We get there when we get there. Depends on the scheduale.


Paul gave it the ok?


Yeh he loves me, cant resist me


Mhm. Alright gunna go tell Greg brb


Go tell the bear!! Make sure he doesnt eat u alive


I'll keep tht in mind thnks.

I walk down the hall to Gregs room, and poke my head in. He's sitting at the computer playing some game.

"Hey man, guess what?" I ask grinning

"You have finally come to terms with the fact that you are not a lady magnet," he says playfully.

"No! I am a lady magnet! Anyway that's not the point. The lads are coming!" I say excitedly.

"What, here? The band boys?" Greg asks looking at me.

"Ya! Lou just got Paul to say yes!" I say happily.

Greg sighs

"That Lou kid is exausting. Just keep him away from my stuff. And limit Quiffies hair product useage! I dont wanna smell like hairspray," he says looking at me pleadingly.

I laugh a bit.

"Sure thing," I say and shut the door behind me.

In my room my phone is vibrating crazily. I pick it up and look at the messages.

My Hubbie Liam <3:


Hair Bear:

Excellent!! Lou got Pauly to let us come see you in america!!!

Zayn (Who Is Majestically Gorgeus):

Nialler im gonna see you in a fee dayssssss! :D xx


Mission One Direction Invasion is initiated. All systems go!!

I laugh and shake my head at their silliness. My phone lights up again.


Your mate Louis texted me saying that the lads are coming in a few days. True?

Crap. I'd totally forgotten about Dad.


Uh yeh is that ok?

I waited impatiently for a reply for five minutes. Finally:


Yeah its fine. But youre responsible for them.



I sigh a sigh of relief. I send a group text to the boys.


My dad gave it the OK! Cant wait to see you all!! :D xxxxxx

I shut my phone off and eat some more ice cream feeling better. I smile and stare at the ceiling, the sun warming my white legs.

I start humming 'I'm So Excited' and I wiggle my toes to the beat. Maybe Georgia won't be so bad with the boys with me.



I pick at my fried chicken as usual. Although Maybelle was an excellent cook, I just didn't eat that well. I sigh and look around. My grandparents eat their meal in silence. Looking at their plates and not socializing. It bothers me. Why get married to someone if youre not going to talk?

I shake my head and continue to pick at the chicken. Eventually I just sit my fork down, gulp my water, and leave the dining room.

I snatch my sketchbook up off the coffee table in the drawing room and plop down on the couch. I don't pay attention to exactly what I'm drawing as usual. It just pops out of the pencil lead and <poof!> There was a drawing.

Eventually my hand stopped moving. By then the shadows were growing steadily longer. I look down at the sketch and laugh a bit.

It's Niall, with his eyebrow slightly raised and a grin on his mouth. He's sitting on the love seat, and looking over at me. I look at the sketch a bit longer before slamming the book shut.

I can't think about Niall. I just can't. I felt so so bad for snapping at him today and kicking him out but what else should I have done?

I shake my head at myself and head upstairs. I get into my sleep tank top and I slide under the covers in just that and my underwear.

What was it about this guy? The way he just kept talking to me the first day we met? I hadn't even known him all that long and I couldn't stop thinking about him. He kind of reminded me if Charlie, with his big blue eyes and his messy blond hair.

I squeeze my eyes shut but a tear still manages to escape. Oh God, he looks like Charlie. I start to cry and shake. I miss Charlie. I miss my old life. I miss me.

Even though its 40 degrees in my room my teeth chatter and I bury into my blankets, feeling colder than I ever have before.

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