Opinion: India buying Russian Oil

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I know a lot of people are upset at India for the decision to buy Russian Oil but this is how I view the issue. Firstly, countries in Europe are also buying Russian Oil so there is no reason to target India solely for this decision. However, these countries buy oil because they cannot get it from anywhere else. They need this oil to survive. The US sanctioned Russian Oil because the US can bare without it. So no, I am not upset at these countries for buying Russian Oil but I am upset at Indians.

I have seen so many Indians support Russias war efforts. How? How can one support the genocide of so many innocent people. Yes Russia is there friend and yes Russia helped them in the past but that does not mean they should support the war in Ukraine. You can buy Russian Oil and either condemn Russia or be neutral. So whay are do many Indians supporting Russia just because they are allies? What Russia is foing is wrong. It's genocide. Why support that? I honestly don't understand.

If you live in India I'd love to hear your answer. I honestly, really am just confused as to why you support their war efforts.

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