Oh how embarrassing!

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"Talia come on wake up!" I bellowed down Talia's ears. Honestly, its Monday morning and time to go to school and she just wont get up. Like every other day, I had to make breakfast and get Talia dressed. By now you be thinking she is five. No she's eleven; only three years young then me.. As I rushed out of the door I just had time to check the house phone for any voicemails. And lucky I did. It was mum. She was just reminding me that I had a dentist appointment. Sometimes I think everyone thinks I'm dumb. Right off too school now.

       " Oh Miranda, wait up!" Said Lucy as she struggled to breath. Lucy was my best friend. Well the only friend I have really. She was always the one that stood up for me as I never fight back and people use it as an advantage. As we made our way to the assembly slowly. I noticed everyone was looking at me. I was bewildered. Suddenly it hit me. I'd been talking to myself. Lucy had got caught up wit some boys- as usual. Lucy was gorgeous. She was half Jamaican and half Spanish perfect combination for a five star babe. She had silk black hair, waving well past her hips. Hazel brown eyes hat twinkled in the sunlight . Whereas for me. I have mouse brown limp hair and bright blue eyes. Yes I know what your thinking ' She sounds so ugly' and your right. Boys never look at me. Well can you blame them.


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