Why would you?

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"That's the story of Charles Darwin's life." said Mr thorn. For the last 30 minutes the whole form have been stuck in the hall listening to Mr thorn rumbling on and Charles...Warwick. No. Charlie...Darwin. Well whatever. Its been hell. I was sat on my own, with no one to talk to. Watching all my classmate chatting among themselves was agony. All I wanted was Lucy to come to my rescue but did she? No! I mean how could she were meant to have each others back . Oh no here come trouble. "Ay Miranda, over here its Talia your little sister," She mocked. " What did you feed me last huh? Oh your favourite, chips!" I didn't mind much about that comment t would just die over. "No wonder she is so fat!" someone called out. The voice came from behind me. Lucy. Why would she? She almost looked as shocked as me that she'd said it. "mir-" she started. She didn't bother to finish. There was no point. There seemed to be no point in anyth2ing anymore. I locked myself in a cubicle in the toilets. knock knock. "Miranda are you ok... I know your in there." It was Talia. How dare she come back. Its al her fault. "Go away I have nothing to say to you." I said, holding back tears. I decided I would be the brave one so I opened the door and ran all the way home.

         People say money can't buy happiness and there right. Here's me in a huge country house and I as lonely as Mr stink. I'm a damsel in distress and there is no mother or father here to comfort me. Why do I have to be me. I wet to the kitchen it was gleaming white. I rummaged the cupboards. I heard on TV a multiple of times that eating makes you relax and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to stay inside forever not letting a soul see me. Suddenly I herd voices coming from outside. Talia. I rushed to the door and locked it. Ha . Sweet revenge. I heard her struggle to open the door. Then I heard weeps. I am her sister after all. But she did embarrass me. I'm going to persevere she is not coming in. Nope. Never.       

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