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Ben helped Miranda shower while Jo sat in the room with the baby. After her shower Miranda felt good and rejuvenated. Even though her husband wouldn't let her walk at all. He carried her from there to the bed. Rubbing her down with lotion, putting Vaseline on her lips and even brushing her hair into a ponytail.

A nurse knocked on the door and Miranda told her to come in.

"Good evening, I was coming to ask if you would be immunizing your baby? If so we are ready for you."

"Yes, we will."

"Okay the two injections that she will be given are vitamin k and Hepatitis B. I will be right back with them."

Miranda and Ben nodded before she left out. Miranda cradled her baby between her legs and watched as her eyes opened and looked right at her.

"Hi mommy's baby." Miranda cooed. "Look Ben she's smiling." She giggled and watched him take several pictures of her.

"How many pictures do you have in that phone already."

"A lot while you were sleeping. I already created her own album in my phone." Ben chuckled. "She could be a Gerber baby."

"She beautiful. I know we're biased but she is the most gorgeous baby I've ever seen."

"I 100% agree."

"Okay dad, can you lay her flat into the cot." The nurse asked coming back in.

Ben pick her up and laid her down standing over her.

"Alright pumpkin. Nice and easy." The nurse said taking the cap off the needle and grabbing her thigh.

"Oh lord." Ben stressed staring at her. When the nurse injected the needle Madelyn started crying loudly.

"Oh princess, I know it. It's okay daddy loves you."  He cooed kissing her as she cried and the nurse got prepared for the next one.

"You got to look at daddy." He chanted as she cried harder. Miranda was crying herself, but she couldn't help but laugh at Ben's reaction.

When the nurse injected the second needle he winced as she cried even harder. "Daddy know it. It's okay princess."

After the nurse put the last band aid on he picked her up and put her on his shoulder telling her it's okay, repeatedly.

"Ooh they did you wrong. Explain it to daddy." He bounced around the room patting her back.

Madelyn's cries decreased to tiny whimpers as Ben whispered comforting words to her.

"Let me see her. She's hungry." Miranda smiled holding her hands out.

Ben handed her to her mom and he watched as Miranda pulled her gown down and brought her breast to her mouth and like earlier she latched on quickly.

"Can you text the boys and let them know I want Broccoli cheddar soup from Panera. Not in the bread bowl, but bread on the side."

"Okay." Ben said pulling out his phone.

"Are you going to eat something. You need to eat too."

"I'm going to get them to just bring me a plate from the party." He responded and handed Miranda Madelyn's blanket

Miranda grabbed her blanket from him and put it over her shoulder before burping her. Shifting her to her arm Miranda turned her body so she could slide off the bed.

"Uh uh. What are you doing?" Ben asked seriously.

"I'm getting up to get her a diaper and then her bag, so I can put some clothes on her." Miranda said confused.

"Sit back. I can get it." He said standing.

"Ben I can walk." She assured him.

"Try tomorrow, but today I got it."

Miranda clicked her teeth and moved back in the bed.

"Daddy is going to get on mommy's nerves isn't he? Yes he is." Miranda sung playing with her little hands.

Ben brought over the baby's bag, a diaper and wipes.

Miranda changed her and then put her into a long-sleeved onesie that read Hello I'm Madelyn in black cursive font, with pink pants, little pink socks, a pink bow on her head, and no scratch mittens.

They heard a knocked on the door and Miranda heard Pru's cute voice on the outside.

"Mommy open up." She said softly. Ben laughed and went over to open the door.

"Hi." Miranda greeted her three as they filed into the room with bags, and balloons.

"Hey mom." Tuck smiled at the sight of his mom and a baby in her arms.

"Aww you bought her a bear and balloons." Miranda gushed.

"Yeah I needed to go to Walmart and Pru saw the balloons, so we got these and a bear."

"Thank you. I know where I'm going to put it in her nursery." She smiled. "So we would like you guys to meet your baby sister Madelyn Elena Bailey-Warren." Miranda said as they all peered down over her and Pru stayed in Ben's arms looking.

"Can we hold her?" Tuck asked.

"Yeah of course, just wash your hands first." Ben stated.

"I call first." Joey said rushing to the sink in the room.

"That's not fair. I asked." Tuck said seriously right behind him.

Joey washed his hands first and held his arms out for his sister. Miranda passed him her carefully.

"Sit down in the chair and don't forget to support her head." She instructed watching him.

"She is so cute." Joey muttered staring down at her.

"She really is." Tuck commented, then handed Miranda her food.

"Thanks. I haven't ate all day."

"Did you cry?" Tuck asked Ben, knowing he did.

"What? No." He chuckled. "Okay yeah."

"He definitely did and I didn't expect anything less. You should have saw him, when she got her first shots." She laughed eating her soup.

"That was very traumatic for her."  He explained.

"I'm the one that should be traumatized. I was in labor for hours. Excruciating pain left and right. Two hours of pushing."

After Joey held her and passed her to Tuck. They ended up all taking a picture together. The two teens on both sides of the bed, Pru in Miranda's side, while Miranda held Madelyn in her other arm.

Ben kept taking photos of everyone. He was so excited. He looked over to Miranda who he knew was still tired and she smiled lightly as Pru just stared at Maddy trying to feel her out.

"Her not talking." Pru said confused staring at the Baby as she stared at her.

"She can't talk yet." Miranda explained. "She's too little to talk."

"Do you want to hold her." She asked and she smiled when she nodded. She carefully placed the baby in her arms and positioned them correctly. She held her in her arms and stared down at her.

"What's her name?" Pru asked.

Her name is Maddy." Ben told her, "Do you like that?"

"Yes. Her heavy." Pru said looking back at Miranda and she quickly put her hand under the baby to hold majority of her weight.

"I guess we will see you guys tomorrow. Tuck has a game tomorrow." Joey said standing up.

"Come on Pru. We need to go home. I'm sure auntie Ros and 19 is still cleaning up."

Pru slid off the bed and grabbed Miranda's bedroom slipper handing it to her.

"Come." Pru insisted grabbing her hand.

"Aww honey. Mommy can't come with you." Miranda said sadly.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"Because I have to stay here until tomorrow night."

Ben stared at the scene unfolding in front of him. He knew one of two was going to cry in a minute.

Miranda looked down at her big brown eyes swelling with tears.

"Hey hey don't cry." She said quickly. "I will be home before you know it."
Tuck picked Pru up and she put her head in his neck sniffling.

"We will see you guys tomorrow." Ben said.

"I love you both and thanks for the food." Miranda said seriously.

Two weeks later Ben got up at three in the morning as the baby began to cry in the bassinet beside his and Miranda's bed. Miranda was exhausted, she had been insisting on maintaining doing the chores around the house despite having had a baby less than two weeks ago.

"Come on Maddy, let's go before you wake mommy. She needs her sleep." Ben murmured and cooed to the two week old infant and carried her from his and his wife's bedroom.

Ben walked slowly through the hallway, patting the two week olds back, trying to ease the baby's cries. Madelyn wasn't screaming yet, but she was headed down that route, her cries were picking up in volume and each time she stopped crying she would whimper. Ben listened to the cry, trying to pick out what type of cry the baby was displaying. He quickly learned from his wife. She would wake him and say Ben cry number 1, 2, or 3. He didn't understand how she could distinguish between them. They all sounded the same.
Listening to her It didn't sound like a hungry cry, it sounded like a "you better change my diaper" cry

Making his way into the nursery, Ben flicked the light and headed for the changing table. Laying Maddy upon the table, Ben undid the snaps on her little footie pajamas and shuddered when he discovered that she would need a bath.

Placing a cloth down on the changing table beneath Madelyn, Ben swiftly removed the disgusting diaper, and tossed it in the diaper bin. Maddy's crying increased in volume as the cool air made her cold. Ben wrapped the cloth around the baby and picked her up, carrying her into the bathroom across the hall since it was closer.

Ben filled the bathroom sink with lukewarm water and added some chamomile baby bath soap. Quickly unwrapping Maddy, He set the messy baby in the water and picked up a wash cloth, wetting it and running it over the baby's chest and back. Madelyn immediately quit crying; she just gurgled and gazed up at her dad, gracing him with an occasional gummy grin. Ben washed her thoroughly, and as he drained the water, he noticed Maddy becoming sleepy.

"Come on princess, let's get you in a fresh diaper and back to bed hmm?" Ben picked up a clean dry towel before swaddling the wet baby and carrying her back across the hall to the nursery. He blinked in surprise when he saw Miranda sitting up in the rocking chair, holding a teddy bear that the boys had gotten for Maddy. As Ben entered, Miranda looked up before setting the teddy bear back in the original crib.

"Hey, where did you go?" Miranda approached yawning, holding her arms out to take the baby from her husband.

"Miss Madelyn here made a real mess of her diaper and baby wipes would not have sufficed. I had to give her a bath." Ben gently rocked the baby, and swayed. Maddy was calm right now, but interestingly enough she perked up when her mother was near. "What are you doing up honey?"

"I…I need to breastfeed, it's getting painful." Miranda's gaze flicked over to her baby and smiled at how much she seemed to perk up in her presence. She definitely was hungry.

Okay, let me put her in a new diaper, and then you can feed her." Ben noticed the pained grimace on Miranda's face… she was producing a lot of milk, to the point of being in pain if Madelyn didn't feed right on schedule.

"Okay." Miranda grabbed the baby powder and stood beside Ben, helping to put the nice smelling powder and a clean diaper on the baby. Ben was threading Maddy's arms into a clean pair of pajamas when Miranda leaned down to grab something. She immediately started looking around, and began squirming. She whimpered when Miranda moved away. Ben and Miranda both recognized the "I am hungry, please feed me" cry building up and they hurried to finish dressing the infant.

"Hold on little one, we need to get you dressed before you can eat." Ben tried to keep the baby from kicking up too much of a fuss, before she woke their other kids, but Maddy was not going to take that lying down. She was hungry, and she was hungry now.

Miranda sensing she was about to have a meltdown, wasted no time in unbuttoning her nightgown. She quickly lifted Maddy from the changing table before she maneuvered her head up to her chest with Ben's help. The infants whimpers silenced immediately as she latched on to her mother and she begun to suckle noisily. Ben guided his wife over to the rocking chair and helped her to sit down.

Miranda sighed thankful that they averted her loud cries.

"Well, I'll leave you to the feeding." Ben said before kissing Miranda on the top of her head and turning to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" Miranda asked raising and eyebrow.

Ben froze at her question. She had that tone to her voice, insinuating that if Ben left right that moment there would be an argument and hell to pay.

"I was going back to bed, but I'm guessing that's the wrong answer."

"You think? You can help me burp her and put her back to sleep."

"I was the one that got up at 3 when she started crying."

"Okay your point being." Miranda stressed rolling her eyes.

"Well can we at least move to the room. There is no where for me to sit in here."

Miranda nodded and stood holding her carefully as her sucking got louder, letting her know that her movement threw her off. She walked to the their room and sat on the bed. Unlatching Maddy from her breast, she burped her and switched sides.

"I need to get up and prep the food." Ben groaned. Today they were having their sip and see since they didn't have a baby shower. Miranda was still a little leery of letting a lot of people around their baby during a time like this.

"Did you hook up the wall mounted thermometer?"

"Yeah. I did last night and tested it out and I put one outside by the gate since most people will be coming through that way."

"Good because I need people to check their temperatures before they come in."

"I just need to put the tents up outside and all the tables for food and drinks."

Ben reached and grabbed Maddy from Miranda and began to burp her. Looking back over at his wife he chuckled hearing her snores.

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