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"Hey watch where you're go--- Madison?!" Miranda said looking at the teenage girl with tears flowing down her face. "Sweetie what's wrong?" She said stopping her.

"She's gone." She said wiping her tears. "Who's gone and why are you bleeding? What happened?"

"My mom.... my mom is gone." She cried finally breaking down.

Miranda gasped and pulled her into her chest. She would get the full details later. She looked up seeing Ben rounding the corner with his uniform on.

She rubbed the young girls back up and down as she cried into her chest.

Ben eyed Miranda and gave her an apologetic look talking without words, something normal for them.

"Madison I need to check you out. You're bleeding alot." She whispered.

The girl moved herself off Miranda and sniffled swaying off her feet.

"Oh god." Miranda exclaimed and Ben caught her.

Ben carried her to the trauma room and laid her in the bed. Miranda checked her pulse before getting her hooked up to Iv's for fluids.

"What happened?" Miranda asked him as Schmitt and Helm came in to help.

"A drunk driver wrong side of the road, racing down the street switched lanes and hit their car head on. It was really bad."

"So her mom..." Miranda trailed off.

"DOA. She died on the way here. She arrested twice, We tried everything we could, but we couldn't bring her back."

"Jesus." She said shaking her head.

"Madison was in the other Ambulance and she saw them unloading her. I tried to get them to take her inside, but it was too late. She took off running and my guess it was to you."

Miranda eyes watered at what he said and she tried to do Amelia's trick and look up to the ceiling, but that didn't work as the big tears fell down her face. Ben watched the scene unfold and he heard the sound of her sobs.

He quickly walked over and Miranda burrowed her face into his chest sobbing.

"Hey hey don't cry." He said rubbing her back.

"Schmitt and Helm can you both access her injuries, run test, and get a ct for abdominal injuries and MRI for head injuries. She hit the dashboard."

They nodded and Ben pulled Miranda out of the room to an empty supply closet. Her crying didn't cease and her sobs made his chest hurt. He hated for her to cry.

"Baby it's going to be okay. Don't cry she will get through this. We will be there for her and her family." He told her soothingly.

"She's 18 and she has a long road ahead of her. Not only was she in a car accident and her mothers gone, but she witnessed her mother's lifeless body being brought into the hospital." She hiccuped into his chest.

"I know. Nobody should witness that." Ben said sympathetically.

"Was her father called yet?" Miranda asked sniffling.

"I believe so. I think the police did on the scene."

"We need to check."

"I will go see and If you are okay you can go with Madison, So you can be there when she gets up."

"Okay." Miranda said wiping her tears.

Ben stood back from her and started her anxiety coping mechanism moving his hands up and down.

Miranda mocked his movements as they went through each one.

"I love you." Miranda breathed out after they finished.

"I love you too." Ben whispered kissing her forehead.

The two held hands walking back to the ER and Ben walked to see if he could find more information on whether her husband was called.

Miranda walked back into the room and it was empty. Sighing she walked up to the ct scan room and saw here up, crying, and moving around.

Miranda quickly rushed inside and grabbed the mic.

"Madison sweetie, I need you to calm down. Everything is okay. You are getting a ct done and I need you to stay very still. Can you do that for me?"

"Mrs. Miranda..." she questioned looking around.


I've never...this is too much."

"Hey it's okay, just relax. You want to be a doctor right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Lay back and pay attention. One day you are going to be able to describe to them what it feels like and how to calm themselves. Think of it as making yourself a better doctor." She instructed.

"Have you been in one before?" Madison asked.

"I have a few years ago."

Madison laid back and then laid still, looking up at the ceiling of the machine.

"You couldn't calm your patient?" Miranda asked looking at the two residents after she cut the mic off.

"She was asleep and woke up crying. We tried to calm her down, but she started hyperventilating."

"Well did you do an MRI yet?"

"Yes we were waiting on those results."

"Schmitt call up there and tell them to put a rush on it for the chief."

"Yes ma'am."

After Madison was done Miranda and Helm pushed her back down to a room.

Miranda stood over her using her stethoscope to check her breathing.

"You have a head laceration in your hairline and on your arm. Neither one were deep enough for stitches, so they just patched you."

Miranda looked up as Ben came to the door and nodded for her to come outside.

"I will be right back." She told her walking outside.

"Hey so they weren't able to get in contact with him. He is not picking up."

Miranda blew out a breath and looked down for a second.

"Do you know what he does?" Ben questioned.

"No, I know he travels a lot for work, but I can't remember exactly what he does."

"We are going to have to ask her?" He said seriously.

"Okay come on."

Ben opened the door and they both walked inside.

"Hey Madison." Ben started. "The hospital has been trying to get in contact with your dad, what does he do?"

Her eyes started watering and she breathed before speaking. Miranda walked over and rubbed her back.

"He is a longshoreman for the government. He doesn't check his phone until he gets to a rest stop."

"So your dad does both he drives the material and unloads it at the port?" He asked.

"Yes. He will drive it there. They provide him housing and then he works the next day and unloads at the docs. He does a lot because some time he uses cranes and loads up ships." She explained.

"So is there a way we can contact him for emergencies?”

"You have to call the base and tell them what happened and they will radio his truck."

"Okay thanks." Ben said walking out.

Miranda checked the scans on her tablet and was glad that nothing was wrong with her.

"Do you have any family members here?" Miranda asked.

"No both sides of my family lives in California. We moved here for my dad to work at the port."

"Okay, um..." Miranda trailed off thinking.

"Do you want to stay with us tonight? Your dad probably won't get here until the morning and I don’t think you want to stay here at the hospital until then, granted I would probably stay with you If that's the case."

"I want to go home with you." Madison said softly. "I don't have my phone it was in the car."

"Oh don't worry about that. We can call your dad from my phone and leave a message to call us back."

They both walked back to her office and on the way Miranda stopped at the dispensary and got her a pair of small scrubs to change into.

"Mrs. Miranda can we stop to the store before going to your house. Its my time of the month and I don't have anything."

"Of course. We can get you some changing clothes and toiletries too.

"Thank you." She responded going into her bathroom.

Ben walked into her office and saw her gathering her paperwork. "Where's Madison?"

"She's in the bathroom. I gave her some scrubs to change into, since her clothes were torn and had blood on them."

"I called the base and they said that they would contact him. I told them to leave both of our numbers and for him to call us back, when he's ready. She's coming home with us tonight or staying with another family member?"

"She doesn't have any family here. So she's staying with us. Her father will probably call her grandparents."

"You're right."

"Do you want me to drop you off at the station?"

"Uh yeah that would be great thank you."

"Alright once she's done we can leave.".

"How do you feel?" Ben asked looking at his wife put her hand on her stomach.

"I feel very hungry, tired and anxious. Madelyn is up and actively pushing into my spine so there’s that."

Ben pouted at her back pain before asking "What are you going to eat it's late?"

"I'm going to check and see if she has aten, but most likely a big sandwich. Did you check on the boys and Pru?"

"Yeah they were going up to their rooms and Pru fell asleep at 9."

"Great did you tell Joey about..."

"No I figure we would tell him when she got there."

"I'm ready." Madison interrupted coming out the bathroom.

"Okay let's go." Ben said grabbing Miranda's purse and things.
Miranda drove to the station with a little conversation from her and her husband. She kept checking the rearview looking at Madison. Who was continously wiping her tears. Her heart hurt at the sight. She had just lost her mother not even a full year yet.

She pulled into the parking space beside Ben's BMW and let him out.

"We are going to the Walmart and then we will be home." Miranda told him as he got out.

Ben walked around to her side of the car and she rolled the window down. He leaned in and kissed her lips and forehead.

"See you at home." He said.

"See you at home." She repeated back.

"Hey, do you want to get up front with me." Miranda asked looking back.

"No." She shrieked. "I'm fine back here ... I uh."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." Miranda said not thinking. Why would she want to get in the front seat.

Miranda and Madison walked around Walmart and she let her get the things that she needed for tonight and tomorrow morning.
"I have a test tomorrow." Madison informed Miranda while grabbing deodorant.

"Don't worry about that. You will be able to make it up once your dad calls."

"I want to take the test. I have been studying for two weeks for it. I know all the information now. I don't want to make it up."

Miranda sighed. "I can call your school and talk to your principal tomorrow and see what they can do. I’m sure you should be able to take it at home and send it in under the circumstances."

After she got bras and panties, they walked to the night clothes section and she grabbed short sets , and pants with matching top.

Miranda walked over to the baby section and was picking up things while she let her grab her own stuff. Some how she ended up with a bunch of onesies, hair bows, head bands and socks. She even got Pru some more sleepwear.

Madison grabbed jeans, leggings and two shirts to put on for tomorrow and just in case she stayed more days than planned.

When she was finished Miranda paid for her things and helped her with the bags as the walked into the house. She walked up stairs and showed her to the guest room.

"Here we are. Let me get you a wash cloth and towel." Miranda said exiting the room.

She came back with the towel and washcloth.
"The bathroom is the second door from here in between Tuck and Joey's room. You can go take a shower. I have shampoo if you want to wash your hair. If you do wash your hair let me know, so I reclean and dress the cut in your hair line."

"I want to wash my hair. I think its some glass fragments in here." She said pointing to curly hair.

"Okay, I will grab the shampoo for you. Are you hungry. I was going to make myself sandwiches. I could make you one."

"Yes, just ham, cheese, lettuce and pickles if you have some."

"Ooh I definitely have pickles. Its one of my cravings.What condiments?"

"Mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper." She listed out.

"Alright, by the time you are done showering. I'll bring it up." Miranda smiled softly.

"Thank you so much for this Mrs. Miranda."

"It's really no problem sweetie."

Miranda walked down the hallway to check on Pru stopping at her door with the pink P on it. She opened the door and glanced at the bed and saw it empty with the covers thrown back.

She turned towards her bedroom and saw a dim light from under the door. Walking across the hallway Miranda pushed her bedroom door open and saw her bedside lamp on. She looked at the bed and saw Pru's wild hair on her pillow. Chuckling to herself she walked closer and saw her stretch out in the middle of the bed under the covers.

This little girl never failed to amaze her. On the nights where Ben and Miranda both came home late she would be sprawled out in their bed.

Miranda knocked on Joey's door and waited for him to say come in.

He sat up in the bed and paused the tv.

"Hey." Miranda said softly sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey how was your day?" Joey questioned.

"It was eventful. I was coming to tell you that Madison is here and staying the night with us."

"What?" He questioned.

"They were in a car accident and her mom didn't make it." Miranda said sadly.

"Oh my God." Joey said shocked. "Well how is she?"

"She's doing a lot better than expected, but it hasn't really hit her yet. It will probably in an hour before she lays down."

"So she hasn't cried?" He asked confused.

"Of course. She just hasn't broke down yet and she will."

"Can I go see her?" He questioned.

"Yeah wait until she is out of the shower and dressed. Leave the room door open." Miranda said standing to go downstairs.

Miranda made her way down stairs and began making 4 sandwiches. She ate her two and wrapped Ben's up. Glancing at the time, she checked her phone to see if Ben messaged her. He was supposed to be home already.

Sighing loudly she ate her two Sandwiches silently giving Joey and Madison time to talk. When she finished she put her plate in the dishwasher before bringing her sandwich to her.

The door was shut, so she knew Joey was back in his room.

"Here you go." Miranda said handing her the plate.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Miranda sat on the bed with her just trying to keep her company. She didn't know what to do or say. She was just going to allow her to do whatever she needed.

"It still feels like a dream, like it doesn't feel real. This isn't going to go away."

"Sadly no I am 46 and my mom died almost a year ago. It still doesn't seem real at all. She was my best friend. I'm angry with myself a lot of the time because it feels like it was my fault. I moved her out here to be closer and she got sick with covid at a nursing home, that she didn't want to be in."

"I'm angry. How could that man do that." She said crying. "He killed her. It happened so quickly. We were laughing and singing and it just happened. There was a loud boom and then the airbags came shooting out and glass was shattering. My seatbelt was stuck and I looked over at my mom and called her name. She wasn't answering. When she finally came to, there was so much blood. She glanced at me and I knew that it was bad. She was choking trying to talk. I told her that it was going to be okay and that I heard sirens. So she didn't have to talk, but she told me she love me anyway and squeezed my hand. That was it, the last thing she said."

"I'm so so sorry." Miranda said pulling her into her chest as best she could.

I know right now you don't want to hear that it will get better, but it will. You are going to cry everyday until one day when you think about her you won't, but you will smile and remember her. The memories won't hurt anymore, but you'll just be grateful that you have them. I promise you."

Miranda held her in her arms until she fell asleep. She waited a while before she slid off the bed and adjusted the covers over her shoulder.

She walked out her room and heard the front door open. Miranda walked quietly to the stairs and stared at Ben as he walked by.

"I thought you were right behind me." She whispered upset a little.

"I'm sorry baby. I had to go out on another call."

"And you couldn't tell me that. Maybe send a text." she chastised.

"I know Miranda. I wasn't even thinking, but in my defense it happened so quickly. I didn't even have time to text."

"Mm-hm." She responded turning to walk away. "I made you a sub." She informed going to go take a shower.

Ben ate his sub before cutting off all the lights and making sure the door was locked, and the alarm was set.

He checked on all the kids and cut their lights out as well, seeing Pru's bed empty. He sighed and thank God again that she wasn't  a wild sleeper. Walking into his room he fixed the covers on her before he grabbed his pajamas and opened the bathroom door. He looked into the foggy mirror and saw the reflection of Miranda in the shower.

He quickly undressed and got in, standing behind her.

"I'm sorry."  Ben said kissing her shoulder.

"It's fine. I do know that you can't always text. I'm just worried about you and I hate that." She expressed.

"I know baby, but I'm always going to come home to you."

"You can't promise me that." She said seriously turning to face him.

"But I am and I'm going to keep that promise. I am not going anywhere... 60 years."

"60 years and I get to go first."

"Mmm can we change that part."

"What why?"

"I just feel like we should go together."

"Like The Notebook?"

"Exactly, I don't ever want to feel what it's like to live without you." Ben said intently.

"Me either." Miranda said standing up on her tiptoes to peck his lips.

The next morning, Miranda reached over and  took all her medicines including her prenatal vitamins.

She looked over at Pru and then her husband. They were all cramped together especially with her pregnancy pillow that Ben despised. When he wanted to cuddle at night Miranda would be snuggled into the full body pillow and knocked out.

"Good morning." Ben mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"Good morning. What time do you go in today?"

"I don't have to work today. It was on the calendar."

"Oh, I must have missed it."

"What about you?"

"I just have to go in for a surgery that can't be moved and teach a class on the hormones/glands, which will be quick."


"I think we should let the kids stay home today. If you want to. I know it's your day off."

"It's our kids. You know I don't mind."

"I probably won't come straight home, I need to go grocery shopping for my dad and then we will probably go somewhere."

"You want me to go grocery shopping for him instead?"

"No no. I got it. He is going to complain that he never sees me."

Miranda slid off the bed and moved her long pillow to the chair in their room. She went to go wash her face and brush her teeth.

After she finished she went to go check on Madison. She opened the door slightly and peeped her head in.

Her eyes widened seeing Joey on the side of the bed wrapped up in a blanket.

She tiptoed over and tapped him softly. Joey stretched and then opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry mama Miranda. She woke up screaming from a nightmare, so I came in here. I slept on the floor the whole time." He whispered sitting up.

"It's okay Joey. I was just tapping you so you can go get in your own bed. I'm letting everyone stay home today."

"Oh okay." He said standing grabbing the blanket and pillow off the floor.

Miranda grabbed the plate from last night off the nightstand and walked down stairs to the kitchen. She put it in the dishwasher, before making breakfast for everyone.

Slowly one by one everyone made their way to the kitchen as she was finishing up. She was currently on the phone with the Principal from their high school trying to see if she could take her test online.

Miranda held her hand up silencing the boys as she talked.

"I'm the chief of surgery, so I'm telling you that her mother passed. Her father will contact you when he gets the time. I am letting you know that she will be out for a while, but she would like to take this test today. So accommodate her... yes emailing it is fine. We will email it back as a pdf file. Thank you."

"Can I call you back. I need to take this call."

"Hello." She said after clicking over.

"Hi I'm Andrew, Madison's Father. I was returning your call."

"Yes, Madison is with me. I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey, Joey's mom." Miranda said softly.

"How is she? She doesn't have her phone."

"She is doing as expected. How are you doing?... I'm sorry that's a dumb question." She said quickly.

"I'm lost." He responded his voice starting to break up.

"I'm so sorry." Miranda said walking out the room to finish her conversation. She stepped out onto the back patio.

"There's a lay over, so I'm waiting for my flight."

"Okay, do you want to speak with her. She is probably just getting up."

"Yes thank you."

Miranda walked back inside and got Joey to take her the phone. She fixed plates and sat them in the dinning room.
Madison came down and handed Miranda her phone.

"He is going to the hospital when he lands." She informed and Miranda looked up into her red eyes.

"Okay you can just ride with me today and your principal is emailing your test to me. You can take it at the hospital and we will scan it and email it back."

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