pets they would have

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Aloy: if she doesnt count her mounts as pets, I would think she would have a pet dog. Not a big one like a husky but more corgi sized so she could have it in a lil side compartment. Either that or like a hawk for some reason, something she can take with her.
Kotallo: big ass dog. Name him something like Brutus. Like Turkish mastiff if he can get his hands on one, he would want a pet he could take into battle with him. Just the biggest dog and you know that dog is a sweet heart, like will kill on command but definitely is a big bouncing idiot any other time.

Alva: She would have a rat. Name him something normal like ' Luis '. Rats are small for her travels, smart and resilient. Plus she just gives me the vibe that she would own a rodent.

Beta: a raccoon. Little bandits with human hands? Fuck yeah. I have no real justification for this, i just like the idea of her handing little things to her raccoon and running off with it all happy.

Zo: A pigeon. They have nice calls, and they can carry small items with her. She would definitely be a bird person and won't keep them in a cage except for at night. They just never seem to leave her even when they get the chance.

Varl: A golden retriever man deserves a golden retriever dog. That is a happy set of dudes. His dog helps him get his animal kills from the tall grass to being home. The happiest dog who definitely believes it's tiny. This dog sleeps in bed with him, he never trained it to, it just refuses to sleep unless Varl is near by.

Erend: This man has a pet boar. They're smart, affectionate, goofy looking little guys. He found it as a piglet all alone and decided to keep it. It's name is oinkers. Does it own a little satchel? Yes. Did Erend make it for it? Yes. It even has little tusk caps.

Nil: A cat. Nil is a cat person. You know when cats bring you little dead animals sometimes? He loves that shit. His cat is an apex predator just like him and he couldn't be happier. That cat is usually off doing its own thing but always returns to Nil at the end of the day. It always comes up for head kisses and Nil will always give his cat little head kisses and pets. That cat will sleep next to him or in his helmet.

Drakka: He keeps that vulture, it grows on him. It isn't until that thing came to his aid after a hunt gone wrong does he truly appreciate it and come to love it. Gives it little treats, names it something stupid like ' baldy' .

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