Chapter 12 - Spilled? No, Severed

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"How are you?"

They were riding through the city streets, the sun already high in the heavens. Seras looked over her shoulder to see Quin morosely sitting on the cart floor.

Their surprise passengers had asked to be dropped off somewhere just past inside the city walls, which was fine by her. Seras still had to return the cart and horses before they could rest.

"I want to lie down," said Quin.

"Not long now." Seras herself wanted to sprawl across her bed, and was increasingly struggling to hold her head up. She had planned to sleep when Quin took over driving, but had to stay alert instead.

Once they turned over their borrowed vehicle, they began the short walk home. Fortunately, their packs were much lighter than when they left.

"Why did you wrap the crossbow?"

Seras adjusted the bundle over her shoulder. She could not tell Quin the entire reason. "I do not want the attention."

She had wanted to get her hands on a crossbow for a long time now, yes, but Seras never really had a reason to spurn on the search, until now.

Quin looked mostly satisfied with that answer, because she stayed quiet for the rest of the walk. Once they arrived back at the forge, the other woman immediately sat herself down on a chair.

After checking that everything in her house was present and accounted for--a habit she developed in the years living alone--Seras poured them water. Quin drank too fast and started coughing.

"Careful." Seras smoothed her hands over the other woman's shoulders; Quin had not taken her coat off.

"Right." She tilted her head to look up at her. "Seras, I--today was a bit much."

"I understand. And neither of us got enough sleep, so come on."

Quin nodded and took a step in the direction of where her bed rested against the wall. "See you in the afternoon."

Seras took her hand before she could get there. "I meant upstairs."

"Oh." Quin blinked. "Oh. Well, all right."

She led the way, Quin still grasping her hand tight. Once they got to her bedroom, they stood and paused.

"I feel awfully shy," said Quin. "This is the first time."

Seras sat at the edge of her bed. "You have been here before."

"This is the first time I was invited properly."

She beckoned the other woman to sit beside her, but Quin instead crawled into her lap. Quin's height made her so much taller, so Seras flipped them over, pinning her to the bed.

"They were something." But Quin was laughing now, and that was what Seras wanted.

Seras understood, she really did. Witnessing atrocities was taxing, even if you only saw the harrowing aftermath. She might be jaded now, but she had lived though one and it still haunted her.

She eased herself off of Quin and settled beside her. "My eyes are having trouble staying open. Yours?"

Quin already had her eyes shut, but she felt around and moved to put her arm beneath Seras's neck. "Shh."

Her other hand was reaching to paw at the blacksmith's face, but Seras caught it and pressed a kiss to her open palm.

"No trying to keep me awake, Seras. I mean it." Quin moved her hand to Seras's hair. "Ask again tonight if you want."

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