8: The Struggle

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Challenger's POV

Y'know, this is a lot more than I expected. Talking cards, shapeshifting dungeon masters, and a rat with a backpack are not what you would expect from a card game. But is guess things don't always turn out the way you think. This is really fun, though. Really puts a twist on normal deck builder games. In what other game would you sacrifice one of your cards? Well, I haven't played any of the big ones, like Sho-Hi-Zo or Stoneshapes. I prefer the lesser known ones, like Secrets of Amazaria and Capture Creatures. Those are fun. But I gotta focus on this card game right now. Don't want to space out and miss something important. Maybe this card will help me out.

So there's a Raven Egg, Kingfisher, and Mole. I think I like the Raven Egg. A full fledged Raven must be pretty powerful, and it helps balance out my total deck cost. Those pelts still might end up being a problem. Now, totem fight, woo.

So, his hooved creatures have Stinky. This wouldn't be easy.

Once again, I had started with that Stoat. But how? Obviously, it was magic, but I felt that there was still something more to this talking card. Was it haunted? That could be a probable answer, considering this cabin houses a shapeshifting guy with living cards. I mean, what else could it be? It's definitely not in my head, because he acknowledged it talking, and even threatened it too. Anyways, battle.

Darn. Both Golden Pelts are in my hand. Well, at least they can block the...

Oh great! Just great! He gets to start with 3 Elk Fawns! Sounds perfectly fair to me!

Well, nothing I can really do but block. I put down the 2 pelts, and hoped that I would top deck something good enough to deal with this bs.

Turns out I didn't. That's one life gone already. Geez, this is really getting hard. I also don't really feel like giving a play by play of all of these matches in my head either, because that might take even longer than the actual match. Taking more time to think than actually playing isn't exactly the best thing to do,especially when you're not thinking of your best play. Well, at least I get a choice on what to do now. Imma go left.

So, an insect, canine, or reptile. I feel like an insect might be good. I turn the card over, and it's a...

Mantis. That sigil on it is pretty good.

So, I put it in my deck, and continue onwards. Now, a sacrifice. This should be good.

I ended up putting the Mantis onto a Wolf. That is pretty powerful, if I do say so myself.

Now, another fight. Hm, a Beaver. That might be awkward. I play my infini-sac Bullfrog, and use it to summon my Raven Egg along with it. I do one damage, and the Beaver summons dams and attacks a Grand Fir. Wow, a Raven really is powerful. A 2-3 Airborne card is pretty good. I draw a squirrel and get down the bifurcating Wolf and win, with a tooth to spare. Now, some kind of...card dispenser looking space?

"You encountered a small wooden building on the side of the road. A woman was at the desk of it, seemingly waiting for you. You had found the Trader that the Trapper had mentioned!"

A wooden desk slammed down in front of the GM(gamemaster), and he stepped out of the dark again, this time as a Shell.

"Ah! There you are. I see you've acquired a few pelts. Mind if I look at them?"

Wow, this guy was good at impressions. I don't think an actual female could do that good of a girl voice. I pulled my 2 golden pelts out in preparation for what was to come.

"G-golden Pelts?! Magnificent!"

Shell(?) had passed 4 rare cards on the table. I guess this is what I could buy for the pelts. There was a Pack Rat, Urayuli, The Daus, and Geck. I guess I can take 2 of these. Hmm...wait, the Geck is free?! I'm taking that for sure!

As I pulled the card towards me, Shell(?) had taken one of my Golden Pelts. Now, what else...

Guess I'll take The Daus, since it's new. That's both of my pelts gone.

"I will make good use of these. Thank you, kind sir. One more thing: I wouldn't advise pinching pennies. You might not get another chance to spend them."

Shell(?) had went back to the dark, becoming the GM once more.

Wow, this game is fun. I really hope I'm not the only one playing it.

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