9: Sunk

45 1 0

Challenger's POV

After a few more rounds of card fights, choices, and sacrifices, I had made it to the second boss. Judging by the symbol on the map, this was gonna be some kind of fisherman boss. Oh no, is he gonna fish at me or something? That one was funny. Anyways, boss time. The combat setup appeared once more, a darkish blue light casting over the table. Dead fish suspended by hooks hung overhead, which smelled absolutely awful. If I had a nose, I would be plugging it.

"An awful smell had entered your lungs."

"You had turned to your sides to see it was from the rotting fish, hanging from the branches."

"In the distance, a short object had gotten up from a dock and walked to you."

The GM came out of the darkness again, becoming the second boss.

"I am the Angler. Go fish." said Suitcase(?)

She held a fishing rod in her handle, and had a completely blank and disinterested face. A Kingfisher was in queue on the far right.

I went ahead and played the "topdeck" Stoat, and kept the scales balanced. A second Kingfisher was coming in the second lane.

"Which fish. Hard choose."

Suitcase(?) had positioned the fishing rose's hook over the Stoat. I didn't even want to know what that did. And I didn't. I drew a squirrel and got down by bifurcating Wolf and went to phase 2-



Flight blocking Grizzlies covered ger entire board, with nothing I could do about it but lose. I rang the bell, and lost my second life.

"Go fish."

Suitcase(?) jumped onto the table, fishing rod still held, and walked towards me. Right before she reached me, the last candle blew out, making everything go black.

H...huh? I'm not...dead? Where...where am I?

"Do not worry. You have not died quite yet. And you will not."

There was a flashing light behind me, the GM standing over me in a doorway, still concealed by shadows.

"Before you go, I have one thing to ask of you."

"I would like a memento of your journey."

A blank card from the game appeared next to me.

"Behold. Your very own Deathcard."

"It looks quite bland at the moment. We will work together to amend that."

"Here are some cards from your mediocre deck. We will make good use of these."

My deck wasn't med-

"Choose a card from which we will draw the cost from."

There was the Bullfrog, Raven Egg, and Wolf in front of me. I chose the Bullfrog, because lower cost is always better. Don't want anyone paying 3 cards for a piece of-

"Now choose a card from which we will count the Power and Health from. The numbers."

There was a Geck, Amalgam, and River Snapper this time. This would be kinda hard. I think I'll choose the River Snapper. 4 more health for 1 attack is a pretty good trade.

"Finally, choose a card from which we shall extract the Sigils."

Now, Stoat, Elk Fawn, or Pack Rat. Hmm...

"Psst. Don't let him use his-"

"Quiet. The challenger needs to decide."

That...was weird. I guess I'll go with the Elk Fawn.

"I never did get your name..."

A feather and ink dropped onto the floor next to me, somehow not spilling a drop. I wrote my name on the top of the card. Now, it was complete. A one cost 2-6 that grows after a turn. Pretty powerful. It even has my name on it. Too bad I won't get to see it in action.

"Finally, the portrait."

He had pulled out a kinda old fashioned looking camera. I wonder what he's gonna do to me after this picture.

"You do not need to smile."

Wasn't planning on it. As his finger hit the button, everything went white. And then, darkness. Weird.

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