chapter one

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Nathaira strolled the lively streets with her head low, umbrella held tightly over it. The night sky decorated with bright little stars as she neared the empty side of the city.

Moments after, she was standing in front of her apartment door. Umbrella still clutched in her two hands as she lowered it and started closing it. She stepped inside, closing the door behind her and sliding off her black and white boots.

The apartment was lit only by the lights of the city that shined in through the windows. As beatiful as the view was, Nathaira was lucky enough to not pay an extremely high price for the place. Which was good, since a sixteen year old girl who had just left her home country 4 months ago, alone, didn't exactly have money to spare.

She stepped over to the bathroom and turned on one of the two lights she had in the small room. The light dim lit the restroom enough to see everything in it. She turned on the shower head and looked at herself in the mirror over the sink while the water heated.

She had light grey, waist long, wavy hair. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, the exact same shade of grey. Unlike most humans, she didn't have normal pupils, her eyes were just grey. Fully, grey. And her skin, as expected, was also grey, just way lighter then her hair and eyes.

When the water finally heated She stripped off her clothing and stepped into the shower, the water was perfect, hot, but not hot enough to burn her. After she finished up her shower, she moved the shower curtain and slowly stepped out, she dried herself with her dark blue towel which she also used to wrap herself. As she opened the bathroom door she was struck by the cold air outside the steamed room. It caught her off guard, but after a few seconds she started her walk down the small hallway into her bedroom.

As she entered her bedroom she realized that The huge window next to her bed was open. If it was day she would have closed it, but the lights in her room where off and her apartment was pretty high up. She opened her closet and picked a long red shirt she usually slept in when it wasn't cold out. She let the towel drop while she slid the shirt on. Her room was her favorite part of the apartment, it had a full sized bed in a corner next to the biggest window in the apartment, which stretch from the floor to the roof and covered a little less then half the wall, next to the bed there was a matching nightstand and fairylights dangled on the wall behind the bed. In the corner across, was a desk with a journal, a sewing machine, and multiple fabrics, it was no shock that next to the desk there was mannequin with Pins in it. There where also some bookshelfs not to far from the mannequin.

After Nathaira finished changing, since she wasn't in the mood to cook, she made a cup of instant noodles which she was enjoying from the comfort of her unmade bed. Her journal sitting in front of her with a pen, she was facing the window which allowed her to have a good view of the lively city Below. Her grey hair damp and lose as she scrolled through her journal.

June 17, 2026
Made it to the apartment not long ago, perhaps three hours ago. It's been good so far! I'm done setting up for the day since I'm quite exhausted. The plain ride was long and boring but I finally have the chance to stretch and walk around. I'm not feeling my best and I'm having some light cold sweats, but It's most likely from the plain ride. I whent to the store bought a light meal and some medication.

That was the last entry she wrote before she was drained of all her color. Her beautiful brown wavy hair, her matching brown eyes, her pale olive skin, and her plump pink lips. She settled into bed and closed her eyes, she hoped that one day, she would be normal again.

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