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' na-yeon x fem reader '

Your pov:

I kick the rock Infront of me as I was heading Infront of my school...."that idiot..." I cursed as I thought about that girl... na-yeon.....I gritted my teeth and keep on cursing her name multiple times and not noticing that I have arrived at my destination....I noticed that when a manly voice shouted at me...."what!?" I yelled back as I raised an eyebrow towards him ...."why are you so angry..its early in the morning?" He asked as I scoffed..."let's go su-hyeok...Im not going to be late again" I mumbled as I keep on walking towards the building....that girl is so done...she posted the picture of me and my group bullying that guy who tried to touch me...she didn't even know why I did that to that guy and she took a picture...saying 'look at this guy's....they're bullying a poor boy' then spreading it around the that guys parents called my mother in the middle of the night and told her that I'm a disrespectful and unwomanly girl... that made my mother furious and hadn't gave me my allowance for 3 how am I gonna hang out with my group now....I groned loudly as those thoughts keep getting on my mind...

Su-hyeok opened the door to the classroom and I thanked him before I stepped in...once I did my eyes immediately landed to that girl...I smirk as I went up to her....I'm now Infront of her as I quitely waited for her to notice Im behind her.... she keeps on gossiping about everyone around the campus and it made me disgusted.....she turned around and smirk devilishly towards me...."oh..I didn't see you there l/n ..." She sarcastically said and I rolled my eyes to her statement...."why would you fucking do that.."I asked as I tried not to raise my voice since peoples attention are now into the both of us ....."oh I don't know...I just saw you bullying that poor guy.."she giggled and it made my blood boil..."you fucking-" I was cut off as on-jo grabbed my wrist...."stop.." she mumbled as I gritted my teeth..I turned to na-yeon as she was just smiling so ever proudly at her spot..I slammed my hand to the desk beside her... everyone flinch except her...I leaned my face towards hers as our faces was inches away from eachother..."meet me at the rooftop this Evening...if you don't come you'll face the consequences" I spat as the teacher came and told us to settle down to our seats ..I scoffed and turned my body to my desk and went to it....

In the evening--

I waited for her patiently and told my group to go home without me since I have something to deal with...I sat on one of the broken chair and waited for her....I sigh as I was about to stand up and go when I heard the rooftop door open....I smiled and light footsteps made its way towards me..."what do you want?" She asked as she fold her arms to her chest and now was standing behind me...I scoffed and stood up as I turned to her..."I want you to do something" I replied as I make my way towards her...she flick her tongue and look away .."and you thought I would do what you want me to do.."she said as she turned to me...I stop Infront of her as i immediately went to grab her collar....I leaned her face closer to mine as she grunted and I scoffed..."you don't want know lee...I know your secret.." I threatened as I saw her eyes widen for a minute...."still...I'm not doing what you want me to do....what do you want me to do...I just saw you bullying a poor boy and wanted to call his parents to make you stable.....and not hurt anybody anymore..." She explained..."aissh, do you even know why I did that...huh?" I asked as I gripped more on her collar as she grunted more....."n-no...but still you hurt someone.." she mumbled..."aissh" I hissed as I wrapped my hands around her throat and her eyes widen..."I'm gonna kill you..." I threatened...she struggled to get out of my grip as her breathing became rapid and her face became purple...I noticed it and I immediately let go ...

She dropped to the ground... coughing and breathing for air ...I wiped my hand to my uniform like she's some kind of dirt .....I looked down on her and there's somewhat kind of feeling that I feel kind of guilty that I'm doing this to her ....'whatever..' I thought...."do whatever I want.....and I'll let you go.." I said as she raised her head to look at me with those face thats showing of disgust towards me...."you just embarrassed me Ms, lee...and now your paying the prize...." I added..."do You even know what that guy did to me, that made me do that to him....hmmm.....he took advantage of me by putting something to my drink and touching me everywhere  where it's uncomfortable...that's why I did that to him...he didn't even knew I noticed what he put in my are disgusting" I explained as she stood up.... glaring at me while dusting herself....I flick my tongue and smirk at her...."what is it then...Ill do it" she mumbled...I widen my eyes a little and chuckled..."say it again, lee" I teased....she gritted her teeth before shouting at me..."yaahh!?...just tell me!?" It made me laughed...I took something out of my pocket and handed it to her..."I'll call you when the plan is ready...see you tonight, Miss lee...." I said as I Walk away and heading for the door... Leaving a very confused girl alone there....

There's a part two
Written: 3/23/22

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