Chapter 46

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Riley's POV

The movie was pretty boring so I headed back upstairs. I paused at James's closed bedroom door. I moved my hand to knock on it, but froze when I hear giggling and low talking on the other side. Off to my own room I go.

I lid down on my back, crossing my hands on my stomach and stare at the ceiling.

I didn't feel like I belonged or felt welcome here. Or anywhere. James's parents are really nice to me, his sister's adore me, but it's like James is the missing piece.

I thought that maybe I finally got away from my father, James would break up with Michelle and we could finally be together.

But maybe James never liked me all along. Maybe he faked his love and compassion for me. Maybe it was all just a lie.

I stood up and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I was far from Michelle's beauty. I looked plain, flawed and felt ugly. I never wore make up or any fancy clothes or jewelry like Michelle.

I just wasn't good enough.


James's POV

Michelle sighs heavily, glaring at her phone.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"My mom wants me to come home." She replies.

"Oh, do you need my parents to drive you?" I ask.

"No, my mom is coming to get me." She replies.

"I'll walk you out." I sigh, helping her up.

I hear faint sobs coming from Riley's room again as we walk past. I make a mental note to check on her later.

I give Michelle a good bye kiss when her mom finally comes and than jog back up the stairs to Riley's room. I checked the doorknob, happy to see it unlocked.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask.

"Go away." She mutters, turning her back to me.

"What's wrong Riles?" I ask softly, stepping into the room.

"I said go away! Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you!" She snaps.

"Okay, okay. I'll just be in my room if you need me." I reply calmly. I slowly shut the door behind me and make my way to my room.


I wake up to the sound of cry and screaming. It was around three in the morning. I jumped out of bed and out into the hall, quickly realizing that the noise was coming from Riley's room. I burst through the door, and see her thrashing in her sleep. I sit down in her bed and start shaking her away.

"Wake up Ri, it's okay, you're safe." I soothe.

It was common for Riley to have nightmares. I was a light sleeper, and was usually the only one to wake up to the sound of her crying and sobbing.

She comes to her senses, and wakes out slightly. But screams when she sees me in the bed with her.

"Go!" She shrieks.

"Calm down Riles, it's just me." I say over and over again, stroking her hair.

"No! Go!" She cries, bursting into tears. I try to hug her and comfort her, but she just cried more and pushes me away. Suddenly, my mom stepping into the room. The screaming and crying must of woken her.

"James, go back to your room." She says.

"But I'm trying to help." I reply, Riley still crying hysterically beside me.

"No James, I think you should leave." She says, coming in and sitting down in the bed as I sit up. I exit the room quickly but peer in through the door way as I watch my mom trying to calm Riley down.

"It's okay hun, you're okay." She repeats, cradling Riley on her arms like a child.

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