Meeting His CutiePie

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"Sir, we got the contract." Poppy informed his boss.
"As we should." Zee replied.
"Mr Suppasit will not be happy."
"As he should... It is a half a billion dollar contract after all." Zee murmured into his cellphone.
"Send the legal team as soon as possible." He instructed.
"Thank you Poppy." Zee replied and ended the call.

    He stared into the horizon. The sun was slowly setting and wind from the ocean blew into his suite making the curtains to be dancing in the air. He was indeed on holiday. He rarely took any days off nor take any holidays. He simply enjoyed working and making money too much. He slowly walked towards the balcony and continued to stare at the ocean. He was hiding here in Phuket from the paparazzi hounding his life in Bangkok. Just because his latest one night stand turned out dead was not his fault. Nevertheless, people immediately pointed their fingers at him accusing him that he could have a hand in her demise. He did sleep with her once and a few days later they found her murdered in her apartment.

    His quiet life made a 180 degree turn after her death. The paparazzi hounded him at his companies. They hunted him at his homes. They even harassed his younger brother who was a doctor while he was actually working. Zee decided that enough was enough. His brother was saved by the bodyguards he put on him as precaution. He did not even realise that Zee had security on him until he needed saving. He was unhappy to say the least. He was angry with the paparazzi as they disrupted his work and terrified his patients. Plus, he did not know that Zee had put security details on him. Then, his mother suggested that he went on a hiatus. His team could run his companies. If they could not, they would not be working with Zee! It was rare that he would actually follow what his mother had ever asked of him; nonetheless this time he actually relented. The only thing he did not follow is the fact she asked him to head to Europe and not Phuket.

    He had instructed his people to set the state of the art computers in the suite so that he could work from there. Yeah... Yeah... He was allegedly on holiday or people could say that he was hiding he was a workaholic at heart. Working could be as therapeutic as sunbathing or windsurfing. Zee just finished on the latest application that he had been developing for the past few months. Another revolutionary application that had the potential to change people's lives. More money for him and his company. More money for his mother to spend on. His mother needed nothing except her sons to get married and procreate. Unfortunately, neither Zee nor his brother were interested in tying any knows anytime soon.

Zee left the balcony and decided that he would like to walk along the beach while enjoying the sunset. He might want to head the crowded beach about a couple of kilometres down the private beach where his suite was located. The private beach was private, nevertheless it lacked the liveliness that Zee was craving at the moment. He grabbed his shirt and put it on. After that, he took his cellphone and his wallet. Zee looked around and found his spectacles. The curse of working extremely long hours surrounded by computers. He put his spectacles on and he was ready. He locked the suite and made his way down to the beach. At the bottom of the stairs to his suite was one of his security team members, Zee nodded at him and signalled him not to follow him. The man did not look happy. Zee did not care because he knew he could take care of himself. He grew up in a tough neighbourhood in Chiang Rai. He could definitely survive a crowded beach in Phuket.

    As he made his was slowly along this beach, the sun began slowly setting. It was a majestic splendid view. Zee smiled and left the extravagant suites behind him. At the end of the property, there was a wall and a small gate. Zee took out his card and pressed on the security lock. It immediately unlocked the gate and Zee continued to make his way to the beach beyond. First, he could see the lights from far and then he could hear people laughing and enjoying themselves. Zee could also smell some grilled seafood. He did not mind enjoying some grilled seafood that evening. As he neared the area where some stalls were located, his attention was distracted by a group of people just behind the stalls. Zee did not like what he was seeing. 2 men seemed to be harassing a boy. Instead of ignoring the trio, Zee heaved a sigh and trudged to where they were standing.

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