Chapter 15: Jin Zixuan sudden change?

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Cheng ge and i are the one in a boat my a-jie is with other disciple since the boat that i choose is for two while a-jie decided to choose the big and  with other discipline

Cheng ge and i are the one in a boat my a-jie is with other disciple since the boat that i choose is for two while a-jie decided to choose the big and  with other discipline

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( dont mind the sweet atmosphere. this is the costume that they are wearing)

after we arrive at inn and as expected the inn is occupied by the jins

We enter the inn

" Can we book the whole inn" cheng ge ask while he is in my left side and jie is in my right

" I am sorry gongzi, the inn are already book" The inn keeper politely said

The Jiang is shocked even jiang ying but she faked that shocking face since nobody can know that because she is good at hiding emotion

Some jins arrive and the already mad jiang cheng become more mad, if you are asking why is he mad, well when we are walking, many people are looking at us specially to me and jiang cheng being protective you know

" Is the one that book the inn are wearing golden clothes?" cheng ge ask suppressing his anger

"yes gongzi" inn keeper said and it make cheng ge face pissed even more

"Why are you here" Suddenly a golden ugly monster name jin zixun enter and ask with his ugly voice

"Young master can we stay here for a while to rest" i ask gentle even though i am so angry in the inside,i even add a gentle smile

" Yes,if you agreed to give me your body" jin zixun said while drooling at her

It made all of them gasped, even me can't believe what i just hear. i didn't know why this happen, maybe because she is a girl?

Cheng ge was now fuming,A-jie come in front of me to protect me and even the jiang disciples cover me

" DONT ! YOU! DARE! TOUCH! MY LITTLE SISTER!" cheng ge yelled in furious and choke jin zixun the ugly ghost

Jin Zixuan arrived and become confused with the commotion that happening , then he saw jiang cheng choking his cousin and looking at him like he want to kill him and feed him to a dog but his attention shifted to the person behind it which was surrounded by young maiden jiang and some disciples

The rumors is true second young maiden jiang is pretty no no pretty is not enough to describe her, she is like a goddess plus i heard that she is good at sword,whip and even practicing music but i suddenly got out of my dream when i heard a suddenly shout and i saw my cousin trying to get out of Jiang cheng's arm

"Young master jiang let go of my cousin now" i calmly said and try to peek at the second lady of jiang

"WHY! this fucker try to rape my sister! just for us to borrow a room in the inn" Jiang Cheng yelled loudly

Jin Zixuan become shock and his eyes become wide and suddenly an anger corrupt his mind but he calm himself down he cant fucking kill this bastard but he still gave his cousin a deadly glare , a glare that can make everyone shiver and his cousin is not exception to it

"Cousin if you dare to rape the lady of the jiang then i will execute you personally " Jin Zixuan said in dangerous voice. No one should dare to rape someone specially if that someone is the second lady of jiang, just by thinking of his cousin doing it to the 2nd lady of jiang and worse without consent make him fumed, he feel disgust to his cousin

" You may stay here" Jin Zixuan said and all the jiang bowed their head and said " Thank you Young master jiang" No need to thank me i did it because of your lady and i suddenly blush because of my thought but quickly cover it with an expressionless face

"No need to thank you, it is not a problem" Jin Zixuan said it instead and suddenly a heavenly voice was heard

" Young Master Jin doesn't need to worry, we will just rest here and leave " Jiang Ying said in a soft voice with a gentle smile

Jin Zixuan just nodded and leave because his face blush hard just by hearing his voice, his voice is sound like a angel. he wanted her to stay here but i am so embarrassed to ask plus i am still betrothed to her sister, just by thinking of the engagement make his stomach twist

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