Georgie McCall (Adventures Of Pumpkin)

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From: A Cinderella  Story: If The Shoe Fitta

Age: 20

Hair: sandy brown curls

Eye color: brown

Personality: Georgie  is very kind and compassionate  to others. She always loves helping  people in need and being a friend  to the friendless don't  mess with her dogs though.  She is super protective  of the ones she calls family

Occupation: Makeup artist/ Therapy Dog handler

Best friend: Lily, Tessa

Crush/Love interest: none

Nicknames: G (by most anyone who knows her.) Miss Georgie  (Elena and Friends)  Poppins (Lily) Owner (pups)

Special abilities: Georgie  is very empathetic  to the point  where she has to learn how to deflect other people's feelings,  and has to take breaks when it gets to be to much

Owner of Pumpkin,  Mira, Brook, and co owner of Rascal

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