What if Draco was a girl?

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I thought of this little one-shot while sleeping... might be shitty... [Warning: some blood graphics and mentions of cutting and attempted suicide... Please don't cut, If you need to talk, I'm here with a open mind]

Dracia Malfoy, ugh what a nuisance Harry found her. She was the definition of a stereotypical popular girl at any muggle school. Blonde, overly pale, average heighted, rich, etc. Her strut, the way she would talk, her sweet voice filling his ears, was so annoying. Her makeup, don't even start. The perfectly winged black liner, the littlest of chapstick on her smooth, but thin lips and the slightest of foundation below her perfect lashes. 

"Harry, you're doing it again," Hermione sighed as she sophisticatedly, much less like Ron, ate her chicken and rice. Harry snapped out and pulled his eyes away from the Slytherin Table, "What?" "You were scherring a' Malthoy again," Ron said, his mouth full of chicken. Harry shook his head, trying to get those precious grey eyes out of his head. Dracia was acting different today. She was gloomier and less chatty with Parkinson. Harry would constantly blame it on teenage hormones but even those could affect a sixteen year old to an extent. 

This was different, he wouldn't try to even suggest and blame it on the menstrual cycle (since he got bashed on head by Hermione). Her emotions went mute, she only nodded or shook her head. Harry difficultly shook it off. 

The hours blended into weeks and Harry had reached the bottom of the staircase that led to the Astronomy Tower. He slowly climbed the stairs, his cloak tightly wound around him, since he was out late. With a huff he reached the tp of the staircase. He heard a muffled sob. It was high pitched in Harry's opinion. He creaked the door open. 

Dracia was near the balcony with her hands in her hair. Her sobs racked her body and her left arm... that is what shocked Harry the most. It was bloodied with several gashes over a familiar mark. The Dark Mark. He felt pity for the girl. "Dracia," he spoke softly. She turned around, her face paler than ever, streaks of tears stained on cheeks, her wand out, pointing in Harry's direction. 

"W-What do you-" she started

"I wanna help," he said softly. Dracia shook her head, edging towards the balcony, snarling at him. Harry opened his arms and signaled her to join the hug. Dracia stood. Then after a second or two, she stepped forward, until she reached him. Dracia buried her head in his neck, wand still drawn. Harry, closing her in a comfortable embrace, took her left hand and examined it. He muttered a spell and the cuts closed on its own. Dracia looked at the mark with disgust and slowly started sobbing. 

Harry waited till she was calmed and then promised to help her. 

Sorry, like I said, shitty. Anyway, do not forget to ask What If? in the comments.

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