4- Her life

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Authors POV

In cream coloured room. . The room was bit old and small. But neat and clean. There was big book shelf and small wordrobe. Small study table and table pot on it having peacock feathers. Girl was sleeping on small cousy bed. Her face was covered with blanket avoiding sun rays fall on her face.

Aru Bala, uth ata. Parat mhanshil uthaval nahi.(Aru baby, wake up. Don't say we don't wake you up) Lady in her Fortis was tranting to wake up young girl who was sleeping peacefully. Aru, aath vajale ha.(Aru, it's 8 am.). After listening this girl wake up with loud noise Thad... She nearly fall on the ground and started panicking. Lady started laughing at her.

Aradhya's POV

I was sleeping peacefully. When I heard Mai saying it's 8 am. Are Krishana, riyaj budala maza(ohh lord Krishna, I missed my singing practise) I thought and started panicking. I heard someone laughing loudly. Mai was laughing at my stage. Instantly my attention got towards cock it was only 6.30 am. Mai made fool of me again. Ahhhhhhh...

Then Mai went from my room. I ran towards bathroom. Done my business and wore white kurti and multi colored dupatta (refrence image is given above). And then comes most dangerous part combing my hair. Who are wavey, long and thick. This hair of main will be death of mine. I styled them in simple braid. And wore gajara (kind of chain of flowers which wore on hair by Indian women following image is refrence for gajara) on them. Apply tika/Gandh on forehead and wore simple earings. And I was done with my look. I have glance towards my reflection and smiled. My reflection was showing my cute dimples.

It was already 7 am

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It was already 7 am. It was timing for my riyaj (music practice mostly used for Indian classical music). I was going through corridor of our Vada (traditional and old houses in India). It's not big as shown in history books but sufficient for my family. It have old architecture and that what I like the most. I straight went to pojaghar (worship place in house's). Aai was already there. I went towards God's status and preyed for every one's well being. Aai said, "Aru, ja dudh pi ja mag ja riyaj karayala". (Aru go drink milk then go for riyaj.) I just nodded and move towards kitchen.

Riyu vahini(sis in law) was in kitchen along with mai. She passed me beautiful smile. I wished her good morning. Mai gave mi cup full of halad (turmeric) milk. I just don't like it. It teast very bad. (Seriously guys if you are indian you can relate to this😅). I showed my best puppy eyes to Mai but she was like you are invisible. After having no other option I drink it. Place my cup in sink and run away. I can hear mai's shouting that I just wash my cup but I just don't give dam about it.

Then I got my tanpura (traditional Indian musical instrument) from living room and I came in garden of our Vada. It's not any kind of big lavish gardan but small and peaceful place. I love to riyaj here. Aba, ansh Bhai and ayu was there only. Aba was doing yoga with ansh Bhai and ayu was sleepy and trying hard to match with there yoga and all. I placed my tanpura in usual place. I went towards him and loudly shouted near his year "good morning". Aba and ansh Bhai started laughing loudly while ayu nearly fell on ground. I also started laughing. Ayu gave me dangerous glare and started chasing me . I was running and bumped in someone. It was dada. He look towards us we both were furious. "Aru don't you have your riyaj" dada said. I just look towards my feet. "Go do your work" dada said. I run towards my tanpura joined hands in front of it and started by aroh, avaroh and then revised some raagas also. After one and half hour I went inside placed tanpura on it's s place.

I directly went towards my room take my clg bag and run towards kitchen. Mai, aai and vahini was preparing breakfast. Aba and dada was discussing something with ansh Bhai I think about vahini's pregnancy. Ayu come fromhis room while adjusting his tie. We sat on our usual places on ground. Yes, we never sit on dinning table first we don't have one and second it's more efficient. Mai and aai serve us poha. It was tasty as always. I have done with my breakfast took my plate said Annadata sukhi bhav, Annapurna sukhi bhav (may farmer's stay blessed, may lady of house stay blessed) and move towards sink. Our parents teach us this thing call thank giving and respecting everybody and everything. I bid byee to everyone and went to bus stop near by.

As I reached bus stop it was already 9 am. Bus will come at 9.10 am. Then I see Kavita was already present there. We meet each other. She is from interior designing department and another friend of main Priti is from fashion designing department. We three are in same University but in different buildings. After that Priti came. We were enjoying chatting but our bus came. After half hour we were in clg campus. I bid bye to them and went towards library my favourite place. Do I told you that I am doing MA in Marathi literature. So I just submitted old books and taken new one.

After that day went in blur. Like every other day lectures and study. It was nearly 4 pm I was sitting in library reading poems of Arti Prabhu (poet from Marathi literature). Then Priya came and sit beside me. "Oy panda, Aaj shukravar aahe. Tula class ghyayachay aahe ka lakshat?" (Oy panda, today is Friday. You have to take classes). Then it stricks to me that at 6 pm I have to take singing classes of kids near our area I do it for my satisfaction and for free. I started to pack my pack my bag. We went outside. Kavita already left with her boyfriend.

I came to home at 4.30 pm. Aai was at home I washed my hands ang legs and hugged her. Dada went for one important work related to temple ohh he is priste as well as handles accounts of temple. After fresh up. I drink chaha (tea) and prepared leaving room for classes. It was already 6 pm. All students were there from 5 years to 14 years. There were total 17 students. First we do worm up for voice. Then I teach them raag yaman. Class eneded at 7.30 pm. I cleaned leaving room.

All family members are present in leaving room. Vahini's ultrasound was done today. Everybody is giving her advices of to do things and to don't things. Ayu and me were bored by them we started chatting on phone with each other. After some time there advices session was completed. Then me and aai went towards kitchen everything was prepared. I served everybody. We eat while sharing about our hole day. Ayu was also acting with it. We were laughing, chatting and eating at a same time. I went towards Aba's room gave him medicines. I just love my aba very much. "How was your day, Princess." My aba only call me that. I said great. Asked him about his day. He also replyed same. We were chatting. Then Mai came and scold me for not changing my dress. I just hppfed. Aba was laughing at us. I went to my room changed in pajamas and move towards ansh bhai's room. We all go for night walk vahini needs exercise for bady's health.

Ansh Bhai, vahini, ayu and me all were walking on streets freely. "Hey, stupid when your masters gonna complete?" Aru asked I glared at him and said "why do you want to know haa". " Just general knowledge. And thinking about how many years we need to bare you? After your master degree we will find groom for you na". I don't want to marry I said. "why" vahini asked me. "Oh vahini, I also want to fall in love with my partner and only then I will marry him." "Ohh no that means she is never gonna marry. Who will fall for her" ayu said teasingly. "Shut up, Ayu" ansh Bhai scold him. He just shrugged his shoulders. After near half an hour we came back.

I went in my room. Fall on bed and started thinking. Can I ever fall in love? Can anyone ever find ni attractive? Can I experience love? Is it will be same as discribed in poems and stories? In this thoughts sleeep consumed me.

So this is our female leads life. We can cleary see they are poles apart from each other. So how will they meet? Is David gonna fall for Aradhya in first sight? Will he become obsessed with her? Will she love him ever? Let's see in next part
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Till next part stay safe.💜💜

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