24- Going to her home

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David's POV

I am on cloud nine. Finally today i am going to meet my melody. I will be living in her home. Thought of us living under same roof excites me the most. I have already packed all my belongings. Like seriously this girl made me pack my belongings. I have never done such a things in my life. This girl will be death of mine. It's 3 pm. We three are going to her home in evening 6 pm. Like more three hours to go. Ahhhhhh, i can't wait any more. I was thinking about her... Her voice, her face, her smile, her simplicity, her everything. Suddenly I heard someone fake coughing. I turned my chair and see Sam and ron was there looking towards me giving me looks like we_know_what_are_you_thinking.

Sam- done thinking about your melody romiyo haa
Ron- do you want us to go out then you can think about her peacefully.
Dav- shut up guys don't tease me.
Sam- ohhh why would we leave such a golden chance right ron.
Ron- correct!!!
Dav- shut up and tell me done with your packing?
Ron- what packing?
Sam- ya what packing are we going somewhere?
Dav- don't tell me you forgot. We are going to aru's house.
Sam- who aru?😏😏
Dav- God don't tease me guys. I will see you when you will find your girl. Then tell me what packing and who is aru ok.

They both started laughing like fool person. I will see these fool someother day. Today i am not in mood to argue. I am going to meet my girl so just forget about these idiots. I was smiling thinking about aradhya.

Ron- i think he has become mad.
Sam- same bro i also think same.
Dav- now what?
Sam- nothing
Ron- here we are teasing you and you are smiling. You have become fool.
Dav- i have become mad because of my melody 😊😊
Sam- someone is blushing my god..

I stand from chair and going to beat them. They run towards door. I throwed paperwatt towards them. It hit the door. I hear sound of laughing. I also smiled to myself. Just little more time

Finally, it's 5.30 pm. We three are moving towards my in laws house. Ansh is not here. He have send car for us and request us to come by that car. According to him our cars can't go by the road. We come outside there was very small car. Like hell my driver owns more big car than this. I am angry on ansh but for my melody i am going by this car.

Ron and Sam looking towards me with same expression

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Ron and Sam looking towards me with same expression. Our bags also can't fit in this car. Because of my hight my head was bumping into roof of car. Car starts to move and my god what kind of roads are this. They are more like no roads and more rocks. My head started to hurt really bad. How can my melody live in this kind of environment? I will provide her every facility. After thinking about her my head, my hurt, the roads i forgot everything. Ron and Sam is suffering because of me.

 Ron and Sam is suffering because of me

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After painful ride of 20 min. We three are out of that stupid car. There was enterce. The gate was really small and traditional door. He driver said this is the home. We are infront of her home. I  searched for bell but there is no button. Then I see real bell there. Like seriously that bell has thread to it. I pulled that thread the bell ring. After few seconds one young guy opened door. He looked towards us. Then in fraction of second he recognise us.

Boy- ohh you are ansh bhai's bosses right. Hi i am Ayush his younger brother ayush pls come in.
Sam- thankyou

We are going to enter inside but he stopped us and asked to remove shoes. Like really who removes shoes before entering to house. We followed his instructions and removed our shoes. I was going inside but my head bumped into something like really again. This time my head bumped into door. Ahhh I hate it but i want my melody so it's ok.
We three entered inside.

Ayu- pls this way there is bathroom. Pls wash you feet and get freashed.

What kind of this are going here. Is this any kind of retual like remove shoes then wash feet. After that we come outside. Then i heard voice which made me crazy for her.

(This version of song Chand baliya is great so i added it)

My feet automatically moved towards voice. One Pregnant women is sitting on chair and my melody is sitting in her feet while her hands on her big belly and she is sings song which means God knows! She is looking beautiful her eyes are closed she has small smile on face. My heart get peace because of her. My melody....

Firstly i am really sorry for late update but i was thinking about challenges for David.
Finally David is in the Doshi home? What do you think why David need to sit in small car, who made him suffer? What will be reaction of aru?
There is more drama going to happen.
I will upload next chapter soon.
If you have time do check out my new stories her innocent eyes and his queen by force.
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Stay safe stay healthy 💜💜

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