Dark Cacao&Dark Caramel&Dark Choco

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(A little context: 

Dark Choco's son is named Dark caramel cookie. He looks like:

And is very curious, and adventurous

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And is very curious, and adventurous. )

Not proofread, so sorry about that. 


Dark Caramel Cookie, looked at his father. He tried to stop the bleeding the best he could, but he didn't know how..

"It's fine, Caramel." Dark Choco patted his son's head gently. "The wound will heal, come on."

CHoco, lifted himself up, nearly tripping through. Caramel helping his dad up as they started to walk back to the other cookies, the other dark cookies.

"Oh....Dark Choco cookie.. You're hurt..!" The sound of Posion Mushroom cookies complaint was heard, "Do you need pomagrante cookie..?"

Dark Choco shook his head no, "It's alright Poison." While Caramel helped his dad to stand, as the mushroom cookie also came over to help. (How old is Poison? Good question.. Posion is like 5'3 probably."

"Dad," The young cookie started, "What happened to your sword... Did we lose it!?". Dark choco then looked at his sword case(whats it called OR HOW DO YOU SPELL IT). Empty.

"I'll go get it!" Caramel exclaimed. "Be carefull.... I'll get your dad..!" Poison nudge Dark caramel, before Choco could protest his son went out of sight.

"He'll be fine..! Dark Caramel cookie is very awesome..!!" Eased the mushroom cookie. Dark Choco sat down on the nearby chair and sighed. Mushroom was right, Caramel is a very smart and brave cookie. Just like how he was.

Caramel should be fine.


Huffing and puffing were heard, as the young cookie slowed down at the spot his dad got stabbed. Good thing dad killed those beast, at least it will be safe here.

Until.. a sound was heard in the distant. Caramel took a step back from where he was, what was that? His cloak(I imagine a cloak like beet cookie is what he wears tbh) gently waved in the wind as the breeze got just a bit stronger.

It must've been the wind. No other thing could be here beside him, dad, and the other dark cookies. RIght? Whatever..

Caramel then started to look around for the strawberry jam sword(Pretend something happened to it, that made the cruse go bye-bye- *distant wheezing from the author*).

It should be easy, a big sword with a glowing red...jem thing. The cookie looked around, under bushes and near where his dad was stabbed.

"No cookie your age should be out at this time."

A voice... somewhere said.

Caramel cookie didn't know how to respond or act. His eyes just darted around the place, looking for where the voice came from.

A figure with a giant sword came from Caramel's left. He was looking at the young cookie with curiosity.

While caramel froze tf up. He didn't know this cookie. "Don't be scared young one.." The cookie started, "I noticed you were looking for something. Is that correct?".

Dark Caramel cookie nodded slowly. Still looking at the cookie with supincose. Finally, the cookie stepped out from the shadows.

Said cookie wore bulky armor with a sword that looked heavy as ever. The sword glowed a purple tint. And for some reason, they looked.. similar. The cookie has dark black hair with 2 white streaks, 1 long and 1 shorter.

Even the cookie's eyes look familiar, but Caramel knew he didn't know this cookie.

"Who are your parents? And where is your... Village. After you find the thing you're looking for. Return home." The old cookie said, looking at the young cookie.

Caramel was so confused, why did this cookie look so much like him? "And.. what's your name?" The cookie asked. Dark Caramel cookie stuttered, "D...Dark Caramel Cookie.."

The older cookie looked even more curious, "What are you looking for, exactly?". "My.. Dad's sword..".

They stared at each other, both a bit confused and curious.

"What's your name?" Caramel asked, if this cookie was able to ask for his surely he could ask for theirs.

"Dark Cacao Cookie."

Something finally clicked in Caramel's head... Dad told him about his grandfather a couple of times. A cookie so brave, and who carried around the great Grapejam Chocoblade.. who wore heavy armor and was king of his homelands.

"Is...Are... A.. Are you Dark Choco cookie's father." Caramel looked up at the old cookie, he had to know. Was this really his grandfather? Why was he here? What is he doing here anyway..?

The old cookie looked.. surprised. Shocked even.

"I...Yes. Why do you ask, and why do you know young one." Dark Cacao



"I should probably go check on Caramel.." Dark choco sighed to the mushroom. "Okk..! I'll stay here.. and watch out for Licorice!" Poison said as they helped the chocolate cookie up.

Choco then departed, as Poison watched. 'Sure hope Caramel is ok..." The shorter cookie thought(Poison).

-- CUT --

As the fallen prince walked through the forest, the breeze picked up. It was probably gonna start snowing soon. He needed to get his son back so he wouldn't get stuck in the harsh snow.

Until in the sound of the breeze he heard... confused talking ahead of him. Was it licorice and caramel...?

The warrior started to pick up the pace, the breeze was getting even harder.

"DAD!" Yelled a voice. "SON!??" Another one yelled.

WTf did he get himself into? 

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