Cacao, Choco, and Caramel Bonding Time

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the setting is feck all. I decided that the AU is just different- Yeah. Then the actual crk timeline. Since Dark Choco left the cookies of darkness. So uh have this?????(Caramel is like 12 yr)

It goes a little fast pace, I'm rushing and I'm tired as feck

"Dad..!" Dark Caramel cookie exclaimed from behind. The older cookie turned his head to see his wee little son smiling up at him. The moonlight lighting up the area, so they could both see each other. The forest somehow wasn't blocking the beautiful light. They were actually shining against the light. It was very pretty.

Dark choco always loved that. Being in the forest, and the peace and quiet it came with. Along with the fact of being alone. Of course minus his son.

"Need something?" Dark choco replied simply turning his head away. Caramel knew what to he had to do. But he just didn't know how to execute it.

"I need...." the young cookie thought for a second, "Help with something!"

Choco nodded, as the other cookie went up and tugged on his hand.

The 2 started walking through the trees, The little one leading the way from where he came from. Choco realized the way Dark Caramel came to him. He usually always jumps up from in front of him. Not from behind, odd..

"Dad, so um.." Dark Caramel started, just before they came up to their destination. Which happened to be the edge of the cliff, just walk a few more minutes. They both stood silently there.

Caramel thought for a little bit, Choco not finding it strange. Caramel has always been like that, thinking of everything. The dark chocolate flavored cookie did find it strange why his son suddenly stopped right before where he wanted to be.

Finally, The younger cookie gripped his dad's hand tighter. He had to do this, for mom!

Dark Caramel lead his father to the cliff, where happened to be a quaint area. A simple bench, lots of plant life, and a beautiful edge to look over.

Dark Choco noticed his son was nervous right before turning a corner. Which would lead them to the area. Choco though that was very Strange, his son was never nervous like this.

Caramel noticed how his dad stopped, mid walk. He wondered if his dad was suspicious, he was trying his best to stay calm.

So Caramel nudged his Father with a tug pulling him forward. Choco just went along with it, as his son turned the corner, a figure could be seen on the bench. Waiting it seemed. (Since the bench was infront of them, cuz they were coming up behind it)

Caramel went ahead of his Father, and over to the figure. Choco was of course, confused. Who is that? Why is my son going up to them? How are they here? Etc etc.

The younger cookie, was off to the side of the mystery cookie. He looked up at his dad, obviously nervous.

The fallen prince, felt this urge to leave. But it seemed his son wanted him to go over there. See who they were or something.

Choco finally walked slowly up to the bench where his son and the figure was. Going to the opposite side his son was on, purely from a gut choice.

The figure had a hood on, it was quite chilly out honestly. Maybe that is why? The prince couldn't read any body language on the cookie. His son seemed to comfortable with them.

"Dark Choco Cookie."

A voice the fallen prince could never forget, spoke to him. The cookie turned their- his head around to look at Dark Choco. Dark choco couldn't move, stunned and very confused. He thought the cookie that spoke with this voice was long gone.

Dark Cacao cookie, looked at his son, seeing the pure confusion and worry on his sons face. The old cookie looked back at his grandson, who was just looking off at the sky not paying attention. Probably because he just doesn't wanna deal with this much.

"F...Father..?" Cacao turned his head seeing The prince. He finally could say a word. The king motioned for the prince to sit with him. Choco very reluctantly doing so, though it took him a good 10 minutes to just move over there.

Cacao and choco sat next to each other, Caramel finally looked at the two cookie Very awkwardly sitting next to each other.

Logically, the youngest cookie of the 3, sat in between them. Shoving them both to make room. Maybe that would break the painful awkward silence.

Both of the older cookies, didn't know what to do really. Dark Cacao "planned" this, but just seeing his sons face, was odd. To say the least. It had been over 15 years since Dark choco was banished.

"Dad!" Caramel said happily, interrupting the silence.

"Wanna know how I met grandfather?" The young cookie offered, Cacao looked over to his grandson then to his son who was understandably still questioning life.

"Choco, just know. I always still loved you. I still have cherished every moment with you in our kingdom. And that, I forgave you many years ago." Cacao calmly said. Sometime ago Caramel convinced Cacao that Dark Choco has changed, and that he never meant to hurt him or the kingdom.

Choco relaxed his breathing, and finally looked his Father in the eyes. Bringing back, memories of his life. All up till he almost killed him.

The 3 cookies sat in silence for a bit, just taking in everything happening. Choco would never prepare himself to see his father again. He never thought he deserved forgiveness from him. But here they were, the 3 generations siting all together.

Caramel didn't like this weird silence, it was filled with tension.. so as the logical 12 year old he was. He grabbed both of the cookies hands next to them, not gentle mind you, and hugged them both. Bringing the other 2 just a little closer.

Oh uh, Choco pulled back a little and Cacao laughed awkwardly. Caramel knew this was going to take a lot of family therapy sessions... MAYBE THEY COULD ALL CUDDLE ONE DAY


*end* proof read tomorrow, I need to go bed I got a test tomorrow

5/4/22 (I think 5?? May)

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