Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV:

There where a thousand things going through my head. Camila kissed me and I kissed back. I fucking kissed her back. I knew she was right about being with Brad but I know I'm straight. I think I'm straight. I want to be. I wish I was. I don't want to admit it but those butterflies where there. I felt them when I kissed her. I don't know what I'm doing. I slammed my door to my room and just lay in my bed.

Dinah's POV:

I don't know what to do. Mila is just depressed Normani and Ally said that they were going to talk some sense into Lauren. I heard a knock. I kew Mila wan't going to get it. I opened the door thinking it was Normani and Ally because they said they would come over after talking to Lauren. But to my surprise it was Taylor. Taylor Lauren's sister. Not to be rude but she got some bad genes compared to Lauren and Chris I mean, if she was an only child I would date her but she has to compete with Lauren and Chris. Ah, Chris. She waves her hand in my face bringing me out of my trance. The nerve. "Hey," I say opening the door for her putting on my best fake smile.

"Hi, um, I came over to um, talk to Camila and you, if thats ok?"

"Yeah she is just upstairs," I point with my thumb to her room. We walk up the stairs.

"Hey Mila," I sit down on the bed next to her "Tay's here," I look up at her "can I call you Tay?" she nods "Mila Lauren's sister is here." When she heard the letter L her head shot up. tay and I both laugh. "You're so thirsty," I shook my head still laughing. she threw a pillow at me. "Here Mila have some water," I hold up the glass of water she keeps by her bed. She throws another pillow. "Oh, Mila if you throw one more pillow you will not see tomorrow" I look at Mila then up at at Taylor.

Camila's POV:

The next best thing from Lauren was standing in my room. "Hey," her words brought me out of my daydream. "Um, I just want to say thank you for what you did for my sister last night, she was a mess last night when Ally and Normani brought her back she was mumbling stuff, I could't understand anything she was saying but she kept saying your name, then again she is always talking about you," she pauses and Dinah nudges me and smiles "anyways she said this morning that she was going to your house and when she came back to our house crying the only place that she had been all day was your house and, so I thought that I would just come over to say thank you and find out what just happened," she finishes sitting down on thew beanbag chair across from my bed. I just sat there and stared at her. She looks like Lauren. A little. I looked down at the floor.

"Um, well," I didn't know how to start "well Brad was um, he, I didn't want him to hurt her anymore than he already did, so I just, I kind of blacked out, I mean I knew what was going on but I just had to punch something, I had to punch him, so I-i, yeah I punched him," Dinah touched my hand that was in my lap and looked at me.

"You're rambling Cheechee," she wore a sad smile.

"Oh sorry," I look at her then at Taylor who nods "yeah and the reason that she was crying is that um, I don't know how to put this but um, we kinda, we um," Dinah cuts me off.

"They had a fight," she looks at Taylor "Mila didn't want her to stay with Brad and she spilled the beans out out of the bag," she pauses looks up and nods "yeah spilled the beans out of the bag."

"No Dinah," we laugh she raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah," she argues.

"It's the cats out of the bag or spilled the beans," we say still laughing, she smiles trying not to laugh at her mistake.

"Oh whatever," she waves here hand divisively still fighting her smile.

"What beans were spilled out of the bag?" Taylor asks teasingly.

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