1. First day back at Hogwarts

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 "Hmm... Interesting. Curiosity and cleverness lie within you, Ravenclaw could be a serious option. Although, Hufflepuff should also be contemplated, considering the fullness of your heart. You got a lot of love to give, don't you? What do you think child? You don't know? Well, this heart clearly is dominated by an other distinct feeling. Hmm, yes, yes, I see... Bravery. Hmm... In that case, I will go with... GRYFFINDOR!"

And before Cassandra could thank the Hat, she was led to the Gryffindor table, and welcomed by the smiling redhead that was sorted just before her.

"Cass. Cassandra!" Cassandra snapped out of her thoughts and simply smiled to her friend that was waving her hand in front of her face.

"You were daydreaming again. Come on, Marlene is waiting for us with the others in the train."

"I'm coming Lily."

The redhead grabbed her stuff and quickly got on the train, followed closely by her friend. They entered a compartment where three girls, one blonde and two brunettes, were already talking. Before she could say anything, Cassandra was engulfed in a hug by one of them, and returned it quickly before saying, "I missed you too Marls."

"Missed me? Well, I hope you did, I'm quite missable. How are you doing? You haven't answered any of my last letters," her blonde friend said worryingly.

"I truly am sorry about that. Something came up, and I didn't have time to write you back. But I'm here now, and all ears about what you have to tell me," responded Cassandra while sitting next to Marlene.

After saying hello to everyone, Cassandra proceeded to listen closely to Marlene talking about her holidays, feeling guilty about non-answering her letters for the past two weeks. When her blonde friend finished describing all of her flings and the time she spent in France, Cassandra then turned to take a book and read until it was time to go changing. She went in the restroom and put on her Gryffindor robes, before going back to her compartment, where her friends were waiting for her. Unfortunately, she bumped into someone, making her fall backwards. She succeeded to grab a door handle before hitting the floor, and straightening up, she looked awkwardly to the person before her. It was a tall handsome brunette guy. She knew him. Well, she knew his reputation, and he hadn't the best one.

"Watch where you're going next time. It would avoid casualties," mumbled Regulus Black. He walked past her, and headed back to the front of the train.

She blushed of embarrassment, but it quickly went away when she remembered she had to go back to her friends.

Grabbing her suitcase, she ignored the questioning look of Lily and Marlene.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," she hastily added to keep the group moving.

Marlene and Lily shrugged and Cassandra followed them with Mary and Alice behind her. Leaving the train, the group headed to the carriages that would lead them to the castle. After everyone settled down, the carriage began to tremble and proceeded to make its way to the castle.

"Bye Lilyflower!" The group heard from afar. They all turned their head to see a smiling James Potter waving to them -well waving to Lily-, surrounded by its usual friends. There were a tall sandy haired boy called Remus Lupin who looked annoyed and ashamed of his friend's actions, another boy named Sirius Black, who couldn't stop laughing at something that was surely very funny, and a shorter boy, Peter Pettigrew, who only smiled shyly behind their friends. Lily rolled her eyes, and mumbled something behind her breath, while Marlene smiled back at James, when raising her hand at first waving back, before there were only one single finger left up. As for Cassandra, she simply ignored the boy and went back to watch the castle appearing behind the trees. She was used to this kind of scenes, James Potter chasing after Lily since day one of school -though she was pretty sure he had been with someone else in between-. She had been friend with Lily Evans since the Sorting Hat put her in Gryffindor, and shortly after, she met Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald and Alice Fortescue, them being her dorm mates. Even though she was a very secretive person, she bonded easily with the girls and Lily and Marlene rapidly became her best friends.

Looking back to her friends, Cassandra saw that the carriage was slowly stopping and they were all getting out of it. She carefuly avoided the Thestrals that were drawing the vehicule, and headed with Lily at her side to the Great Hall. 

Cassandra never felt good about the noise that the hundreds of Hogwarts students were producing on the first day, so it was with relief that she took McGonagall's offer to wait with her outside for the first years. Minerva McGonagall was her favourite teacher, because she always took time to take care of every student, whether they deserved it or not. But she was also very fond of this particular student, due to her general kindness and quietness that made her stood up in the midst of the other Gryffindors she had to take care of. When the both of them finally saw the boats, Cassandra excused herself and made her way back to the Gryffindor table, joining Lily and Marlene. She saw Peter talking to Mary and James trying to get Lily attention for, she assumed, already some time. Sitting, she watched the stressed first years who were being sorted, following at the same time the bets that Marlene was beginning to make on the student's future houses. Laughing at her friend's mistakes, she suddenly stopped when she felt a pair of eyes watching her. Looking in front of her, she noticed Regulus Black, turning his head when he saw her staring back, while still talking to his neighbour, who she believed was named Evan Rosier. Cassandra never really liked the boy. She spoke to him once or twice before in class, but his conversations were always focusing on blood purity or black magic, which she wasn't actually interested into.

"Why was Regulus Black watching you Cass?" Marlene interrupted

"I have no idea. Maybe because I bumped into him on the train, and made a fool of myself almost falling on my arse," she lied. 

"You bumped into pretty boy there and you didn't tell us before? This is one of the only interaction you have in years with someone other than us girls, and without being drunk, and you didn't tell me before? I clearly am offended here. Oh, I think my shattered heart is making me break down"-she dramatically fell on the table-"Save me o Cassandra my dearest companion"

"What is she doing now?" voiced Lily, cutting her off.

"I bumped into Regulus Black on the train and I think he was watching me five minutes ago. Of course, Marlene here was making a big deal out of it. Claiming that he wasn't normal for me to socialize so much outside of the group," Cassandra replied, rolling her eyes at a laughing Marlene.

"Oh, come on it was fun. I am fun." The latter said almost pleading.

"Sure you are Marls" And with that Lily turned back to face the table, where the food just appeared in front of everyone.

"Don't worry, you are funny Leni, and for that I promise, I won't become friends with Regulus Black, because you're the only one in my heart." Cassandra whispered to her friend while winking at her.

"Told you not to call me like that Cassie.

Cassandra shrugged and stuck her tongue out to Marlene, then came back to her food.

What her blonde friend didn't know, is that Cassandra would do anything to avoid the fact that the younger Black could have any interest in her. Because she knew what it meant and she clearly didn't like it.


So... what did you think of this chapter? I know it's very simple, but it was purely to introduce Cassandra and her relationship with Lily and Marlene. 

The next chapter isn't written yet, but I have some ideas that I came up with today, which will probably be in the following ones..

Thank you again if you're reading this story :)

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