Creators death

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*PoV ???*

"Are you ready guys?" I looked back to see my two friends nod while wearing determined faces. "Okay then, you know what to do" We reached a clearing. My teammates hid in some nearby bushes. Someone was waiting. He was glitching like he just escaped from a computer. "Error" I said sternly walking towards him. "0h HeY sQUiD f1nALly sH0w1ng uP 1 se3" He looked around like he was searching for something ...or someone. "S0 y0u f1NalLy dEc1Ded t0 L1sTen, hUh?" I rolled my eyelights. "Tch, what ever" "AwW 1s liTtLe sqU1ddY a tSunDer3r nOw?" "Shut up and tell me what you want" This time he rolled his eyelights. "F1n3 wHat 3vER. sO Wh3rE d0 1 evEn sTarT..." In the time he was busy talking. I gave the sign. Not even a second later Error was hit by bones and arrows. An agonizing scream was heard. I quickly got hold of my Broomie and followed up eith an atack of my own. But I didn't hit him, because he had teleported away. I stronged my grip on Broomie, threatening to break him. "He escaped ...again" I felt my eyesocket twitch. "Ink, we will get him next time" I stayed silent.

I looked emotionless back at guardian. "You always say that" "I-Ink I think you should drink your vails" "I agree!" I ignored them. I painted on the ground and left to the Doodle Sphere. Let's see where he got off to. I looked around the countless AUs I created. Why does this bastard keep destroying my AUs? Why does he keep killing my friends? Why does he have so much fun destroying stuff? I hate him so much. I looked at the notes on my scarf. Oh right how could I forgot that? I smiled. Soon you will be gone destroyer. I teleported to Underswap. I knew where I needed to go to find my friends. I soon reached a wooden house. I knocked.

The door was opened by Papyrus. "Hey Ink, searching for Blue?" I nodded. "Yep, I was hoping to discuss the new plan" "INK! Are you alright?" Blue jumped at me and hugged me. "Yep, never been better!"

"Ink! We where worried about you! Where have you been?" "Heh, sorry guys!"

Somewhere else:
"Error what the heck happend to you?!" "St4R Sh1tS" "...So no truce?" "Seriously Killer?" "What? Just askin'!" "So anyone gonna take care of Error or...?" "Why don't you take him to the medic?" "Eh fair enough" "I am hungry" "..." "Seriously Horror?" "We have a kitchen you know" "What are you idiots doing?" "..." "..." "..." "And why the heck is there an unconscious Error?" "Well... you see boss..." "Error wanted to make a truce with Ink but got ambushed by the Star Sanses" "...You are all idiots" "Ouch" "Cross bring him to the medic" "Why me?" "If you don't no chocolate for a week" "...of course I bring him there" "pfft" "haha" "Oh and you two... will go and get 'him' " "Boss, why?" "Yeah boss, why?" "If I tell you know you just ruin the whole plan!" "Aww common boss" "No, we wont" "Remember the flower incident?" "Okay nevermind" "Off we go" "Good"

A week later in Outertale:
"Are you sure about that Ink?" "Yep"
A glitchy portal opened. Error came out and looked around. As he deems the surroundings as safe, he sat in his favourite spot and looked up. "ANoth3r mUlt1v3rsE hAs f4LLeN..." "What?" Wispers Dream to Ink. "What's he talking about?" Blue asked confused. Ink stiffens. "If ThAt'S ke3pS go1nG thEr3 w0nT b3 aNyth1nG left..." He sighed. "Ink why does Error sound so sad?" "I D0n't wanT thEm to b3 hurT... nOt my familY" "What?! Error has a family?!" Dream wisper-yelled. "..." Ink didn't say anything but glared at Dream. Dream was confused. They heard sniffles. "1 wish foR pEace, fallen Angel pleAse heaR my call, for I care aboUt balanCe and peace" Ink tsk-ed. "Liar"

"Ink what are you-?" Ink jumped at Error filled with hatred. "Error!" Blue yelled while pushing Error out of Ink's attack. "WhA-...?" Error looked horrified at the now wimpering Blue that was cowered in red burning ink. "Blu3!" He wanted to run to him, help him but he couldn't because Ink stood between them. "The traitor can suffer" He looked at Error with an emotionless expression. "He will die if we don't help him! Besides Underswa-" "I just replace him simple as that"

Black tears started to mark Inks face with lines of hatred. "I-Ink please stop! This isn't you!" Dream that was now at Blue's side, yelled at the creator. Ink looked emotionless at Dream. "Another traitor guess I just have to replace you as well" Ink readied an attack. "Don't worry I'll fix you! A L L O F Y O U!" He made his smiling 'scary' face before attacking. But before anything to dramatic could happen..., Ink lost his footing. He was kicked away by a tentacle. "B-brother?" Nightmare didn't even look at him. "Heal him" Was all he said before following where the mad creator flew to. Dream took one last look at his brother before starting to heal his hurting friend. "I-1s H3 G0nN4 m4k3 1T?" Dream didn't answer right away. "Y-yeah but he will take some time to recover" "4lR1gHt..." Error tried to calm himself with some kind of breathing technic. Dream passed out because he used to much healing-magic to safe Blue.

A few minutes later...

"Error what happend?" Two skeletons came running to Error and hugged him. "Yeah broski what happend?" "1-inK... iT..." Error cried. "Whoa there broski. Don't cha worry I am sure we can fix that" "But the only way is to..." "Unalife him" "W3 n3Ed t0 sToP h1m..." "Error are you sure...?" "Y3s, we c4n't l3t 1T wr3ck thE wHol3 mult1vers3" "Welp broskis I call our radiantional dunle" With 'fresh' poof he was gone. Error and the other skeleton looked wordless in the direction of the fight. Cross, Horror, Dust and Killer joined the fight.
"Brother?" "Y3s, Geno?" "The multiverse needs a creator... right?" "Ye4h..." "What do you think will happen to the multiverse?" Error thought for a moment. "1 caN't saY for sur3 but there are a few posibilities like, the multiverse dies or maybe we get a new one" "A new Creator?" "Y3s" "How is that suposed to work?" "Don't know" Geno sighed. "Guess we need to wait to find out"

*The fight*
Nightmare approached the cloud of flying dust. Maniac laughter was heard. A shadowy figure creeped closer. "Oh look an mistake of an octopus!" Nightmare rolled his eyelight. "Still not much of a talker, huh?" The figure chuckled. "Don't worry where you go, you wont need to talk ever again" The figure speeded to Nightmare. But before Ink could reach him, He was tackled from the side. "Heh, mind if I join the party?" "Did you finish your mission Killer?" "Yep" "Good" Ink stood up. "Oh~ when I am finished I will use your dust to draw my new master piece~" Ink catched an axe. "...can I have it ba-" The axe got crushed.

"Boss, what the heck happend with Ink?" Cross apeared beside Nightmare. "I don't know. All I know is that we need to stop him by all means" "But what about the balance?" "We will find a solution later"

Horror is running away from Ink while Killer throws knifes at the creator. Dust gets a hold on Horror and teleports somewhere else. Ink stops running and turns his head like he was an owl to look at Killer. Nightmare looks disgusted. "What the...?" Killer isn't faced at all and keeps throwing knifes. Dust gives Horror a new axe. "Thanks" "No prob" Nightmare and Cross are just watching and talking about what's happening.

"So you are telling me that Sir Nacho is your old friend?" "Long story short I got lost in his AU, he anoy- helped me and since then we are friends" "How did that happen?" "That is not important" "And when does he finally show up?" Nightmare looked at his none-existent wristwatch. "Should be right about now"

"But boss-" "Hello old pal need a little bit of help?" Nightmare rolled his eyelight. "No we are just playing mad creator" "What the heck are you doing here?" "Oh hello Error404, long time no see~" "Urgh, lets just get rid of the mad creator. I don't want to be in your stupid presence longer than necessary" "Aww comon I am not that bad" "I hold him with my strings and you do your anomalie-thing or what ever" "Yes mister party pooper" Error404 rolled his eyes.

Error404 shot his strings at Ink and thus made him immobile. Sir Nacho did his thing and the mad creator was taken care off. The dust vanished. "Well that's unusual"

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