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LIBBY HOPPED OUT OF HER ROOM AND RUSHED TO THE KITCHEN as she tried to prefect her bangs in the right volume. she opened up the pantry and grabbed two waffles, stuffing them in her front pocket, as the winnie the pooh patch stretched out even more with all the candy in there.

"libs! come here!" april yelled out from her room.

libby turned quickly and went down the hallway, opening april's room. surprisingly, it was very tidy.

out-of-the-ordinary tidy.

april sat on her bed with a thermometer in her mouth, and then took it out, "i have a fever, kiddo. i'm gonna call in sick. devon's going to his parent's house today, so can you find a way home yourself?"

"sure..." libby trailed off. she knew darn well april didn't have a fever. whenever april had a actual fever, she would be on the couch. she would have a blanket surrounding her cold body and a ice-pack on her warm head. she would also have a chai-tea on the living room table, that or a cup-o-noodles. preferably, devon would also be laying with her.

libby looked around the room. the walls were light pink, almost matching april's hair. they were covered in photos of everything. libby and april, april and devon, april and hanna, april and their grandparents. she also had the luckiest thing in the whole world (besides a landline phone). she had a mini television.

"i probably won't even be motivated enough to get dinner, buy yourself pizza." april said, grabbing her purse by her nightstand and grabbing three 5's.

libby looked at the money like april was handing her a baby puppy. buy herself pizza?!

libby didn't even have the heart to tell april it was saturday. she was even going over to miriam's house.

"okay! sure, yeah!" libby smiled.

"have a good day, okay?" april said.

"i will! i will—thank you!" libby smiled, rushing out of the room with the money in her hand.

april smiled at libby's joy, as she curled back into the bedsheets, finding comfort in them as she entered back into her depressed state.


"SHE GAVE YOU THIS MUCH MONEY?" miriam smiled. the two were sitting in her room. they were waiting until two o'clock, when they were supposed to meet up with abby and priya. they were going to grab a pizza and then eat it on the way to mei's. they were pretty worried about her.

libby nodded with joy.

"this is much! we could buy a whole medium pizza with this from alberto's!" miriam gasped.

(see what i did there??? ehh?? ehhh???)

"i know! we could even go to the daisy mart and get candy along with the medium pizza!" libby smiled.

"or we could get sodas!"

"or one big soda for all of us and then some small candies for all of us!"

"or some big candies for us and then a small soda pack!"

"the possibilities are endless!" libby exclaimed, falling back onto miriam's pillows, as the two laughed together.

miriam shifted up to her pillows as well, laying by libby, as they stared at the glow-in-the-dark stars on miriam's white ceiling.

"i really didn't mean to make you feel bad." miriam said, as they both stared at the ceiling still, "i just really thought you and mei had something going on...because you were so awkward."

"well, we don't. and even if we did, her mom would hunt me down." libby laughed.

miriam chuckled at this, "she really would. but i didn't mean for it to hurt your feelings or anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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