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"NO...I'M JUST WONDERING, ARE YOU OKAY?" libby asked into the green phone located in her room. she had to beg april for months to get a landline in her room.

"of course i am! haha!"

"no, cause, i would be scarred for weeks, mei! that was a horrible thing for your mother to do!" libby exclaimed.

"i'll be fine! i just...need some time! alone! away from...your house."

libby scoffed into the phone, making it fuzzy on mei's side, "of course you're not coming over! april is pissed! you were the only one she really liked."

"really? oh no!" mei groaned.

"yeah! and when i say pissed, she is pissed. ticked off, over it, mad, upset—"

"i don't need any more descriptive words, i already feel bad enough!"

"oh, right, my apologizes." libby said.

"ugh, libs, i gotta go. i'm gonna go mope around my room."

"okay. i'll talk to you tomorrow?" libby said.


"au revior!" libby said into the phone, and then heard the ringing on the other line.

placing her phone down on the receiver, she swung her legs off her yellow bed and walked across her blue carpet. she went to her closet to find a new pair of shoes, and her door swung open.

"hey april." libby said from her closet, grabbing a pair of old gogo boots from her halloween costume from last year. she matched with miriam, "arent these cute?" libby laughed, puckering up her lips and holding them at her face.

"adorable. anyways, i'm slumped. i'm gonna head off to bed. need anything?" april asked, now in her high school cheerleading team. she was the team captain, before getting outshined by some sophomore.

"nope! i'm good! hey, b-t-dubs, i'm going with miriam and abby and priya and hopefully mei tomorrow after school! we're gonna hang out!" libby smiled.

april, who had pulled out her pink nokia phone and was texting her boss about her shift tomorrow, looked up at her sister, "you can't be serious."

"hm?" libby smiled up at her, now holding a pair of converse high tops.

"libs, mei's mother literally just called my boyfriend a druggie and said he doesn't wear sunscreen! you cannot be serious about hanging out with them tomorrow!" april laughed in shock at her stupid sister.

"w-what?! she's my friend, april, and she's going through something! i'm not just gonna sit there and let it happen to her—"

"do you even know what is happening to her?! libby, that girl is going through a very...weird stage of puberty. one i hope you never reach! or if you do reach it, you keep it a secret! and don't talk to me about!" april said.

"...what?" libby asked.

april put her phone in her pocket and inhaled sharply through her nose, and then shut libby's door with her now in the room.

lifting her sister off the ground and onto her feet, and brought her over to her bed, where they both sat down.

" haven't taken a health class yet?"

libby shook her head no.

april sharply inhaled, "i wish i wasn't the person taking care of you. anyways, well, mei found devon cute, and not just like a 'OMG he's so cute i'm gonna scream in a high pitched voice, ahhh!'" april said, shaking her sister's shoulders as she screamed, "she thinks of devon in a different way, a way where it's like..." april snapped her fingers that had on white acrylics, "well, uh...let's take this a different direction!"

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