Chapter 23: Sapphire scores

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***3rd person Pov***

Saturday has arrived and it's the day when Mobeius and Toman are going to have a meeting, to discuss the night's incident. Toman waited for Osanai to show up, one growing impatient.

" Just where the fuck is he?!" Pachin yelled while kicking the air.

" Yeah, where's that fucker?!" Followed by Peh-yan. Not only that, Maxe went missing and when they asked Macey, he would vaguely reply. Shortly after, Osanai finally arrived alongside some of his gang and Maxe.

" Hello Toman, I am Osanai and leader of Mobeius. We hear to talk about the incident and wanted to have a peace treaty and for that...", He bent down on his knees with his hands folded in front, followed by his gang. " I owed my sincere apologies for what my gang caused. They've already had their punishments but it would be best for violence to not be involved." Toman watched at the humble Osanai while looking at Maxe, standing in front of them.

' What?' She mounted while looking irritated by the second, making all of them backed down and then look away.

Mikey coughed to divert the attention on Osanai, " We've accepted your apology, Osanai." Takemichi is relieved to hear those words and Osanai turns into a decent guy, breathing in relief for once. They held for another ten minutes till Mikey proposed an alliance with Mobeius, to which Osanai agreed cause they needed an adult... literally.

They parted ways and Toman cheered for gaining their first alliance. Mikey proposed a party and some of us were down with it, especially Macey who decided to treat us to some restaurant, earning more cheers and gratefulness. Even Pahchin forgot that he's rich too.

 The party was fine, not too chaotic thanks to the mature middle schoolers that sacrificed their sanity, surprisingly Takemichi was one of them to help Draken contain the man-child. Staffs and customers were a little disturbed but with Maxe persuasion again, decided to not get involved and ignored them. Finally, it was over and all of them were going home since Takemichi has her plans for her amusement. Maxe went to her room, Macey played with their dog Grady, while Takemichi stayed in the living room and on her phone scrolling for something interesting. She found nothing and feeling disappointed, decided to do 'that' plan instead. With her phone still in hand, she then dialled a number and readied her voice.

" Hello?" The girl grinned at her first victim.

" Hello, Pan-chan?" Suddenly a large thud is heard from the other line, she muffled her laugh to not hurt his feelings.

" Pan-chan? Are you ok?" She asked again.

" Y-Yes, Yes, I am fine! Just surprised... Umm... Hello, Akemi!" Pahchin exclaimed in exaggeration. Takemichi gave out a laugh, that calmed the boy down and felt blessed hearing her speak to him again even though it's been like two years.

" Anyways, How are you today and how did you get my number?" He asked.

" Well, heard from a little bird that my brother joined your gang?" The phone went silent but Takemichi was swift enough to dodge Pachin's shriek from the phone, avoiding her ears getting hurt.

" I am so sorry for getting your brother involved in this, it was Mikey's fault for dragging him. We kept telling him to leave both of you alone but he's too stubborn to listen, forgive us!!! I mean, we know that you guys can fight but this was supposed to be our problem to solve...!!" He continued on his ramblings and the girl was impressed that he isn't out of breath yet. Plus, could become a famous rapper in the future... which won't happen if the foresight doesn't trigger.

" Calm down there, Pan-chan. Take a deep breath..." He did as told and was able to take a breather, making the girl relieved.

They began chatting for quite some time till it was time for her next victim.

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