The birthday that was way more than a birthday.

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**This is inspired by the "Ask Barbie" vlog that was posted a few years ago on YouTube when they planned surprise birthday parties for each other. I just elaborated on the storyline a bit**


"Ok, so pound cake... check! Dolphin and sea turtle balloons... check! Hot dogs, burgers, potato salad... check, check, and check."

Barbie smiled proudly at herself. She was running through the birthday checklist aloud as Stacie stood by.

"This is going to be so awesome!!" Stacie jumped down from the stools in the kitchen.

Barbie smiled. "I hope so!"

Barbie was indeed excited... she was home for spring break from New York for a whole 10 days! 10 days back home in California! And, it just so happened to coincide with her birthday... well, her and Ken's birthdays.

Their birthdays were two days apart, and it always made for a very fun and epic birthday celebration every year. Since they met and became best friends 10 years ago, they've always held a joint birthday party, no matter what.

If she would admit it to herself, she was concerned and worried that this year they wouldn't be able to do that, but since spring break was early to mid-March, it timed perfectly!

Either way, she was absolutely determined she was going to spend the day with her very best friend in the whole wide world, regardless of what her schedule looked like.

Ken meant the world to her, and she swore to herself that she would spend her time letting him know that.

Stacie asked, "What else do we need?"

Barbie thought for a second, scratching her chin, then blurted out "Oh! Music!"

She ran outside the kitchen door and peeked around the corner. "Hey, Skipper! How's the music list coming along?"

Skipper was setting up her DJ booth in the backyard, flipping through albums. "Finalizing the list now, almost ready to go!"

Barbie smiled and clapped her hands, getting a little giddy. "Oh, Perfect! Thanks, Skip!"

She went back inside and gave Stacie a high give, then all of a sudden the moment was interrupted by a panicked shout of "Barbie! Barbie! Barbie! Help! Help!"

It was Chelsea, running down the stairs. Barbie was confused, and asked "Chelsea? What's wrong?"

"I'm all out of crayons!! I need you to go to the store to buy me some!" Chelsea exclaimed, jumping up and down with the biggest frown on her face.

"Um... Chels, I really don't have time to..." Barbie started but was then cut off by the 7-year old's manic state.

"Please!! They're for Ken's birthday card! If I don't have crayons, then I can't make a birthday card, and if he doesn't have a birthday card then he won't know who gave him birthday presents, and if he doesn't have birthday presents then I will have single-handedly ruined his birthday forever and I just can't --"

"Ok Ok Ok!!!" Barbie tried to pause her crazed and exuberant littlest sister from her whining, giving a 'pumping the brakes' motion with her hands, "I'll go to the store to get the crayons that can save Ken's Birthday!"

Chelsea instantly put on a big huge grin, almost immediately turning her mood on its head, surprising Barbie and Stacie who just looked at each other.

"Thanks! Make sure it's the 664 count – it has the best colors! Bye!" then skipped away into the other room.

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