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"Hiccup your never going to believe what we just saw" The twins came bursting into the great hall.

"Not now you two. Can't you see there is a council meeting" Hiccup said in a rather annoyed tone.

"Argh yeah. That's why we came"

Everyone in the room huffed in disapproval

"Just here us out" Tuffnut said
Ruffnht continued "we were swimming around in the water on Barf and Belch when we came across something really strange.
"Really cool you mean sis" Tuff interjected
"It was a cave. A rather deep one at that. We of course went in"

"Where are you two going with this" Stoic stated

"If you let us tell you our story then you'll know" Tuffnut said. Paused then continued
"We came across an area in the cave where the water couldn't reach. An air camber of sorts."
Ruffnut led on "then we saw something amazing. Something spectacular. Drum roll everyone"

Tuffnut then yelled "a book......One we have never seen." He plopped it on the table.
Ruffnut took over the conversation "at first we thought it was just a boring old book. But man we were wrong."
"So wrong" tuff said
"It's a book of dragons hiccup. Or something like that. In a language we can't read with a symbol we have never seen before." She pushed the book in Hiccups direction.

"You know what. You two might have actually stumbled across a major discovery." Hiccup said rather fascinated. Everyone else was eager to see what was inside.

Hiccup flipped through the pages one by one. It looked to be diary entries. Or a story.
"I'll have fishlegs interpret it right away"
"We'll take it to him" Ruff said.
"That way we can boast about it and rub it all in there and stuff" tuff added.
They quickly snatched the book and ran outside to Fishlegs who was in the middle of a tour of Berk.

Fishlegs immediately ended the tour and went up to his house to interpret the book.

Two whole days passed before Fishlegs was finished. Hiccup and the rest of the dragon riders circled around a campfire while Fishlegs read out the story.

A/n: start playing the song at the top of the chapter swipe left on the picture to get up the song.

(Flashback Mursha's Story growing up)

I'll never forget the day of my 18th birthday. The ceremony grand. A fine queen I'll be. My Dragon form. Just a beautiful as my mother and fathers. We the last of our kind. Lycanwings.

I dubbed by my clan am the Chumana. The snake maiden.

I was nervous for my ceremony. The music so loud I'm sure it reached every part of Kamamatu. People cheer and dance. Drink and laugh. I stand in my tall glimmering dress. The golden plates of armour dawning my chest and arms. A glistening golden hilted sword attached to my side.

Walking down the cobbled stone streets of my village. Draku the village of the noble and royal. The capital of kamamatu.
Many loud words were heard. I only caught a few every now and then. Words like "long love the future queen" and "bless you your highness" "Thor lives in you" "peace be with you" and so on.

I was loved. Loved by all you so happened to glance my way.

I seated myself on the side throne from my Father. On his right side and mother on his left.

He spoke about how prosperous the land is and how it's the people who keep this land so pure and rich. The dragons flew in ceremonial dance.

My father Turned to me that day. He gave me a gift unlike any other. A small cylindrical object capable of holding knowledge of all dragons. My father gave up his Dragon form for this gift. His very soul lives within it.

He demonstrated its power to the people. Using my flame I unlocked the object and let it's light shine. Upon the rock it projected on it showed a brief bio on my type of dragon. What I was. Where my type originated from. My abilities and so on.

It was amazing. But it broke our world.

Soon people became shallow and dishonest. People rallied together. That very same night my father died. They killed him. Looked him in the eye and killed him. My last glance was at my mother who screamed for me to take the object and run. It was too powerful to be in the wrong hands. I fled into the distance the high pitched screams of my mother dying filled my ears until I was too far away to hear them. Even in my dragon form I was vulnerable like this.
I cried and cried but knew I couldn't stop. I fled to the only safe place I could think of. The archipelago. I scattered the few different lense like objects around the archipelago in places where no man dared to go. Taking out the snow wrathe tooth I threw the object into the sea and fled.
I stumbled across this cave where I knew I'd be safe. I slithered along to the darkest part of the cave where not even the light of day nor even the ocean could reach me. This is where I'll stay.

I am Mursha of the Draku Clan. Queen of the nine Isles of Kamamatu. The Chumana. And here I'll forever stay. The last of the Lycanwings. The last of the royal dragons. The mother of the winged the mother of the sea and the mother of the land dragons. Whose blood runs through all and provides the life living sustenance required to keep the Dragons alive. I and I alone can control the dragons. That is the way it was always suppose to be. That is my purpose in this world.

That is my story.

(End if flashback story)

"Woah" said Tuffnut
"That's dark man" said Ruffnut
"Wait a minuet. You guys don't actually believe this do you" said Snotlout.
"Only one way to find out" said Astrid.
Fishlegs agreed and with that they all turned to Hiccup.
"Alright gang. Let's check out this cave again. Twins maybe you missed something. If that book was found in the cave she sealed herself in then maybe. Just maybe she's still there."
"Hiccup shouldn't we be careful. I mean a Lycanwing. We know nothing about them."
"But she seems like one that would never hurt our dragons" hiccup added.
"Yeah but I can't say the same for us. I mean what I'm taking from this is that she has lost a lot of trust in. Kings and I don't think she'd hesitate to kill us if she felt threatened"
"Fishlegs is right Hiccup. We need to tred lightly" Astrid said.

"Yeah I agree. Rest up everyone. Tomorrow at dawn we fly back out to the cave. We have to at least return this book."

"And argh. Hiccup. It's been a while since we checked up on the edge"
"Yeah. We'll head out there once we're done"
They all nodded and headed there own way.

Meanwhile back at Hiccups hut.
"Hey bud. You don't think that the object she was given was the dragon eye do you" Hiccup looked at Toothless who gazed back at him with love and affection.
"It has to be" he took out the dragon eye and looked at it. "I mean it mentions removing the snow wrathe tooth. Before throwing it into the ocean. What ever this truely is capable of. I'm sure this Queen will know how to unlock it. And I mean all of it.

He placed the dragon eye on his desk and layed down in bed.
"Night Toothless" Toothless let out a low subtle noise in return and blazed up his own bed warming his body.

A/n: hey guys hope you liked chapter two. It's all coming together now. I also had a PM asking if this can be a vigo x oc so that is what it will be.

Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter. Your support means everything to me.

Word count: 1356

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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