if it comes to a fight, be selfish

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As Thanksgiving neared, things had changed tremendously. First, Quil didn't mention Claire much around Delilah and neither did Jacob when it came to his and Renesmee's imprint status. More importantly, Jillian and Charlie's relationship had moved to the next level, which led to Jillian excitedly running into Delilah's room after a particularly good date.

"What's going on? Did someone set you on fire?" she joked. "You know you're supposed to stop, drop, and roll."

Only pausing her excitement for a second to laugh at Delilah's joke, Jillian was dying from the anticipation. "I'm getting married to Charlie Swan! I am engaged to a man who has loved me for fifteen years, which is like most of your existence, and he got me the perfect ring and I am getting married!"

Delilah got out of her desk chair so quickly she was dizzy and almost tripped over her own feet. "Holy shit! This is amazing Mom. I'm gonna have a sister and a brother-in-law and a stepdad! You're going to have a husband who's loved you for most of my existence." She paused. "Are you going to change your last name"

Jillian shook her head. "Of course not," she said. "Who would I be if I wasn't Jillian Albright? Who would we be if we weren't the skank and the smarty, also known as the Albright girls?"

"Jillian Swan and her Albright daughter?" Delilah suggested. "Oh! I need to help you plan the wedding. Please say you'll let me help you plan the wedding."

She rolled her eyes like it wasn't a big realization for her. "Duh, you're helping. You're gonna be the planner, the officiator, the flower girl, and the maid of honor."

"Wouldn't Angela's dad be the officiator?"

"Yes, Dee. I was only joking."

With a laugh, Delilah hugged her mother tightly. "I'm going to go get stuff from Alice and your wedding is going to be straight out of a freaking fairytale if it kills me."

"Don't die, you're so smart and pretty."

She squeezed Jillian one more time before dropping her arms and running out to the Jeep. Without even thinking she drove to La Push. She knew the pack still didn't like the Cullens much despite their flimsy alliance thanks to Jacob's imprint, so she went to get Seth to take him with her. Seth didn't mind the Cullens, and he would be happier knowing she was completely safe going over there after Bella's transition.

She honked the horn twice outside of the Clearwaters house; one of their signs that it was her at their house waiting for him to come out and sure enough he ran out a few minutes later and got in the car, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "What's up?"

"My mom and Charlie Swan are getting married and I need to go to the Cullens so my mom can be Cinderella incarnate or something," she explained as she backed out of the driveway and began speeding to the Cullen's secluded house. "Shit, I didn't call Alice to tell her I was coming."

Seth laughed. "I got it, Dee. And when you get home tell your mom congratulations for me."

"Mmmm, you can tell her yourself because you've now officially been roped into wedding planning since you're my boyfriend."

"Fair enough," he agreed, getting a response to the text he sent. "Edward said dropping by was fine and that he already told Alice even though she probably saw it coming anyways."

The remainder of the drive was short and Delilah blabbered about how she had to be sure that she wasn't giving Jillian her own dream wedding because it would be awkward for a mother and a daughter, even a pair as close as they were, to have weddings that were exact copies of each other.

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