the teenagers (and toddler) of oz

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Two weeks before their dinner with Delilah's grandparents, Seth and Delilah were on the phone with each other, the latter girl laying on her bed. "I think we should all wear costumes that match. Like Superman and Lois Lane-that's me and you, obviously-and then the boys and Claire can be like the villains and side characters or something."

"Embry would be a better Superman than I would be."

Delilah rolled her eyes. "Well, Embry isn't my boyfriend."

Seth laughed. "Why don't we find something that we could all fit into then and not just a couple's costume with accompanying side characters."

The girl closed her eyes as she thought. "I would say Disney princesses, but that's kind of basic... Oh! What if we do The Wizard of Oz?" She suggested. "Claire could be Dorothy because she'd be a cute Dorothy, I could be Glinda, you could be the tin man, Quil could be the cowardly lion, and Embry could be the scarecrow."

"This is why you always plan our costumes," Seth admitted with a laugh.

The year prior, Delilah had made the three boys go as Cameron James, Patrick Verona, and Joey Donner to accompany her Kat Stratford. The year before that, they'd gone as Andrew Clark, John Bender, Brian Johnson and Claire Standish from The Breakfast Club. Their costumes go on and on for years because ever since Delilah was old enough to make a coherent thought and sentence, she would always coordinate their costumes with each other.

"I'll get everything when I'm in Port Angeles on Monday," she said. "Oh, can you ask Emily for Claire's clothes size."

He shrugged. "I can ask Quil."

"That's gross, never say anything like that ever again Seth."


On Halloween, which fatefully fell on a Sunday, rolled around, Jillian stopped at the Clearwaters house on the reservation. Delilah sat in the backseat with a backpack with their costumes to change into in her grandparents' bathrooms after dinner was over. Surprisingly enough, Edith had agreed to pushing the dinner up to five instead of seven.

At four thirty, Seth was picked up and at five minutes to five, they were all complaining that all the good candy would be gone in Forks by the time they were done. They got out of the car, leaving the costume bag in the car until after the meal and following desert.

As they walked up to the front door to the large house, Jillian sighed. "I still smile upon the idea of matricide in case either of you wanted to know," she said as she brought her hand up to knock on the door. "Except neither of you can ever smile upon matricide because you have amazing mothers."

Edith swung the door open with a smile and ushered the three guests inside. If she heard Jillian talking about matricide, none of them knew as they walked into her home because she didn't make it known. They all sat in the sitting room and a maid stood waiting near the drink cart.

"What will everyone have to drink?" Edith asked. "Karina will make it for you."

"I'll have a martini with a twist," Jillian said.

"And for the kids?"

Delilah looked at Seth. "Club soda for me."

He nodded along as she spoke. "Club soda works for me, too."

Karina made their drinks and handed them out respectively off of a silver platter. Seth and Delilah thanked her while Jillian sank gratefully into her armchair and took a sip. The two teens looped their hands together as they drank their sodas, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Edith.

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