isn't that just called purgatory?

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When Delilah got home from the graduation party, Jillian was on the couch with a pint of ice cream and a single spoon with a movie playing in the background. "Hey mom," she greeted, dropping onto the couch next to her mother. "Did you get dumped or something?"

Her mind was still racing with the events of the night. "Hey hon," she said back, pausing the movie and offering Delilah the ice cream. "Nah, tonight was just an ice cream directly out of the carton kind of night."

"Good," she said with a nod, putting a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. "Hey, so I was thinking that for my last week of school, I could stay with Grandma and Grandpa in Port Angeles?"

"Any reason why?"

She shook her head. "None other than me not wanting to make ten drives that will equal three hours both ways for my last week of school."

"Cool," Jillian said, reaching for her ice cream. "I'm going away for the week anyways."

Delilah's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really? Where to?"

"Fishing with Charlie," she told her daughter. "Don't give me that look. He stopped in to get a gift for Bella since she's graduating and mentioned something about a fishing vacation and I said it sounded fun. He invited me to go with him and I couldn't say no. Would you stop laughing?"

Jillian picked up a pillow and swung it at Delilah, who put her arms up in defense. "You don't even fish!"

"I'm sure he'll enjoy my company!"



The next morning, with a bag packed and her uniform in its own bag, Delilah was in the truck with the windows down on a rare clear day. She was on autopilot to Port Angeles. Her father and Michelle were out of town on their "babymoon" before Michelle was too far along to be able to travel, so Delilah was stuck staying with her grandparents and it wasn't that they were bad people, it was just that they were different from her and her mother.

And there was also the fact that her two best friends were facing an army of vampires while she was gone. There was the fact that she found out hers and Bella's futures were going to be intertwined because of their mother and father respectively. Delilah was just having a hard time wrapping her head around it, that was all.

As she drove she aimlessly flipped through the radio stations as the truck gained more speed. She was almost completely clear of Forks and La Push when there were blue and red lights flashing behind her. With a sigh, Delilah pulled into the grass on the side of the road and pulled out her license and registration.

Within a few moments, none other than Charlie Swan was walking up to her window. "Do you know how fast you were-" he paused when he saw Delilah behind the wheel. "Hey Delilah."

"Hey Chief Swan," she greeted. "You need my license?"

He shook his head. "Nah, it's okay. I know who you are. You were going sixty in a forty-five."

"Sorry," she said with a frown. "I wasn't paying attention."

Charlie sighed and wrote something out on his pad and handed it to her in the car. "I bet you're on your way to school, so I'll let you off with a warning. If you were your mother, it would've been a ticket. Have a good day, kid."

As he walked away, delilah popped her head out the still open window. "Hey Chief Swan," she called and the man turned around. "Just letting you know now, my mom doesn't really fish."

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