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Here are all the characters present in the chat...

Agamemnon: Agamemnon is one of the most important figures in Greek mythology. He was the king of Mycenae and the supreme leader of the Achaeans in the Trojan War. He was the son of King Atreus of Mycenae and Queen Herpes, the brother of Menelaus and cousin of Aegisthus. He in turn became king of Mycenae and married Clytemnestra, sister of Helen. From their union four children were born: Electra, Iphigenia, Chrysothemis, Orestes. 

Menelaus: Menelaus is a character of Greek mythology, son of Atreus and Hero and younger brother of . He is the king of Sparta and husband of Helen, whom Paris brought to Troy, causing the Greek expedition against the city. The epithet accompanying him in the Homeric texts is blond, which makes him a character of great beauty: Menelaus is a typical example of kalokagathia, being also very valiant in war. He was one of the strongest Greek heroes of the Trojan War, although not as strong as his brother Agamemnon, but he distinguished himself in many valiant actions. The figure of Menelaus is mainly developed in Homer's Iliad, but his character is also known in numerous secondary texts, especially the tragedies.

Chalcedon: Chalcedon, son of Thestore, and for this reason called Testorides, and brother of Leucippus, was a great seer from Argos. He had received the gift of prophecy from Apollo: 'As an augur Chalcis, he fears no rival'. He was appointed high priest and soothsayer of the Greek army by Agamemnon.

Ajax: King of Salamis and descendant of Zeus was famous for his extraordinary physique and strength. He was the best of the Greeks after Achilles and after his death when Agamemnon decided to honour Odysseus as the most valiant member of the Greek army he went mad and took his own life.

Diomedes: Son of Tydeus and Deipile, he was the king of Argos, known for his strength and cunning. He was one of the most valiant warriors in the Greek army and was protected by the goddess Athena, who in Book V grants him extraordinary strength in battle.

Achilles: The son of King Peleus and the nymph Thetis, he was the greatest warrior of the Greek army, in the Iliad he is called 'swift-footed' and is skilled in singing. He was raised by the centuar Chiron and chose Patroclus as his companion. As a teenager he is given a choice: a long but sad life or a short one lived with fame and he chooses the latter. He goes to Troy with the other Greeks but during the ninth year of the war he refuses to continue fighting because of a dispute with Agamemnon. When his beloved Patroclus is killed by Hector, however, Achilles returns to battle and kills him by dragging his body around the wall of the besieged city. He is killed by Paris with the help of the god Apollo.

Priam: Ancient king of Troy known for having many sons including Hector and Paris. In book XXIV he comes to Achilles' tent to beg him to return Hector's body, he is killed by Achilles' son Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy.

Helen: The most beautiful woman in the world, she was the princess of Sparta, daughter of Zeus and Queen Leda, sister of Pollux, Castor and Clytemnestra. She was given in marriage to Menelaus but years later she ran away with the Trojan prince Paris causing the Trojan War. After the war she returns to Sparta with her husband.

Pandarus: Son of Lycaon and Lycia was the prince of Zelea and a skilled archer who after the duel between Menelaus and Paris, under Athena's deception, violated the pacts by shooting an arrow into Menelaus' side. He was killed by Diomedes in combat.

Odysseus - the cunning prince of Ithaca, favourite of the goddess Athena, it was he who proposed the famous oath that all of Helen's suitors would defend her marriage. As a reward, he asked for and obtained the hand of Helen's intelligent cousin Penelope. During the Trojan War, he was one of Agamemnon's chief strategists, and later devised the expedient of the horse. His journey home, which lasted ten years, is recounted by Homer in the Odyssey, and includes famous episodes such as his encounter with the Cyclops, the sorceress Circe, Scylla and Charybdis, and the Sirens. Eventually, Odysseus was able to return to Ithaca, where he was welcomed by his wife Pe nelope and their grown son Telemachus.

Nestor-Re of Pylos, once a companion of Heracles. He was too old to fight in the Trojan War but was an important adviser to Agamemnon.

Patroclus - Son of King Menezio. He was sent into exile for accidentally killing another boy and was received into the court of Peleus. There he was brought up with Achilles with whom he fell in love, a love that seemed insignificant until the moment he saw his love returned. He is a secondary character in the Iliad, but his attempt to save the Greeks by disguising himself as Achilles was a fatal decision that set the final act of the story in motion. When Patroclus was killed by Hector, Achilles, wracked with grief, brutally came after the Trojans.

Hector - Priam's eldest son and the prince appointed to succeed him on the throne of Troy, Hector was known for his strength, nobility of spirit and love of family. In Iliad VI, Homer describes a moving scene between Hector, his wife Andromache and their young son Astianactes. He was killed by Achilles during the last year of the war.

Paris - Priam's stupidest son, became the judge of the famous 'beauty contest' between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, which had the golden apple as a prize. Each goddess tried to bribe him: Hera with power, Athena with knowledge and Aphrodite with the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite and she in return helped him kidnap Helen, taking her away from Menelaus, thus starting the Trojan War. Paris was known for his skill with the bow and, with the help of Apollo, killed the mighty Achilles.

Aeneas - Son of the goddess Aphrodite and the mortal Anchises, the Trojan noble Aeneas was known for his devotion. He fought valiantly in the Trojan War but is most famous for his later adventures. As Virgil recounts in the Aeneid, Aeneas escaped after the fall of Troy and led a group of survivors to Italy where he married a local princess and founded the Roman race.

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