Chapter Five: Friends Already...?

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Miles' pov

I was.. shaken up, to say the least, as I walked back to class. I was holding my arm since it got smashed into hard metal, to the point that I was wondering how it didn't leave a dent. I saw the guy waiting for me, but I just walked past him. Rude, I know. I walked in the class just as the bell rang. I looked at my seat and saw a girl laying her head on the table, so I sat down next to her, since the seat next to her was mine.

A few minutes into the lesson, our teacher walked in with a few books. She introduced herself, than look exactly at me and proceeded to shout "OHHHH, I SEE WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT HERE!"
I just wanted for the ground to open up and swallow me whole as she gestured for me to go in front of the class. "So boio, introduce yourself!" I froze looking at the classroom carefully judging me, before stuttering: "u-hhh, I..... Miles. I uhh, like video g-games..." I finished as the class burst out laughing, I blushed like fuck from the embarrassment. Way to go. So I went to sit down as everyone had their eyes on me, all except my seat mate. As I sat down, red as fuck, the teacher also looked at me confused, than said something like "okay, let's move on" and started the lecture. Minutes later, I found myself staring at the girl next to me, she looked like she didn't sleep in days, if not weeks. I felt really awkward, so I tried to start a conversation, which was very unlikely. I decided to just say hi, no harm in that, to my surprise she looked at me like I was invading her privacy or something. "uhm, hi" she replied. Amazing. "I-I'm M-miles" I stuttered. "yea, i heard". "uhhh-" "I'm Melissa." she said before looking back at the blackboard and started writing down some notes. "cool name" I said and she thanked me.

Melissa pov.
So here I was, sitting with a wierdo next to me, in a seat that was usually empty, which I got so used to, that now it's making me mad for some reason. Eh, my mom always told me I got a short temper.

The guy kept trying to talk to me. Which I'm not exactly that good at. But I kept my cool, I shouldn't be surprised since I saved him from a broken nose. I found myself looking at him from a corner of my eye. The fuck is wrong with me I'm not a creep. I thought. Turns out that our small talk wouldn't last long, he doesn't seem to be a talketive type either.

As the bell rang I slapped my head on the desk, unbelievably tired. I heard a forced cough next to me so I looked up to see miles staring at me weirdly. "uhm, i-I just, w-w-wanted to say thanks f-for saving me from that girl" he stated while scratching the back of his head. "itwasnothing" I said, to my surprise, fast. im really fucking wierd today. "woah what's wrong with you today" I heard Aiden whisper behind me. "nothing, just tired" I responded groggily. I looked around and now it wasn't just me and miles, it was 4 people just looking at me. "uhhh, somethin' wrong..?" I asked. Yet, still, everyone just stared at me and didn't say anything. I'm used to this, I know my friends, but i saw miles looking pretty uncomfortable. Not for long though. not a heartbeat later our teacher shouted at us and everyone was forced to focus on the lesson.
Multiple lessons later, it was lunch time. Well, for everyone but me, I rarely take food, and I don't have any money, so I don't eat at all. I sat at our usual table. With Roxy on my right, leaving an empty spot on the other side, and Aiden with angel on the other side of the table. As I was about to pull out my phone, I see Miles walking around the nearly-full cafeteria. I felt pretty bad, so I waved him over. He came to the table and sat next to me with his food. "you're not hungry?" he asked looking at me "eh, I forgot lunch at home" I lied. He looked at me, than at his sandwich. "here, you can have this, my mom packed me a lot" he smiled, and handed me the sandwich. I felt my cheeks warm up "uhm, t-tha-, thanks Miles" I smiled back at him as he handed me the sandwich.
After lunch, I was waiting for Angi and Aiden, they were supposed to be in front of the school, but they weren't. I pulled out my phone to look if they messaged me.
Angel: uhh hi Mel, sorry we forgot to tell u were going somewhere with Aiden today, hope u understand ^^

Me: oh yeye sure enjoy
Ahh, amazing now I have to go alone, I said and began walking. About half way down a hill I hear "WAIT FOR ME PLEASE" I turned around and- "miles what the hell are you doing?!" I asked as I got pushed to the ground "s-shoot I'm so so sorry I didnt mean to-" "shut up, I get it" I smirked with my finger on his lips while getting up. I held my arm for him to get up and dusted myself off. "you wanted something?" I asked while still smirking at him "oh, uhm, yea I just wanted to ask if I could walk with you for a bit. My, sister dearest, had gone home without me" I smiled a bit as he playfully rolled his eyes. After a bit of walking I had to ask "are you following me, or are you actually going home..?" "WHAT, nnoononononoononono I'm not following you i-I swear!" miles stated rather quickly. "hmm, alright, so where do you live?" "I live on Hamilton Street, it's like a pretty big red-ish house" I stood still as I realized. "oh, were neighbors, that makes sense" he chuckled and motioned for me to walk. As we reached our houses, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Time to get to work..

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