Chapter 53

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Now that things have come to this point, Aunt Rong can't hide it any longer. She has told everything that happened these days.

At first someone approached them and asked them to fire Xie Jingxian, and the other party promised to give them a lot of money, so that they would have no worries for the rest of their lives.

Auntie Rong's family has been here for many years, and they don't care at all about this kind of secondary illness that only appears in TV dramas.

Xie Jingxian is such a well-behaved and capable child, why did they fire him? And smashing people with money is just ridiculous.

After rejecting those people's requests, people began to find fault frequently in the store. In order not to worry Xie Jingxian and affect his studies, Auntie Rong's family chose to hide it from Xie Jingxian.

Auntie Rong's family looked friendly and amiable, but they couldn't tolerate others crawling on their heads. Those people came over several times to find fault, and finally he fought with them. However, the other party was crowded, and as a result, he was injured and admitted to the hospital.

When Auntie Rong said this, her husband kept emphasizing by the side: "I beat five people, and those people didn't get the slightest benefit, and they were taken away by the police."

It was clearly a terrible thing, but when he said it, it seemed like a lot of fun.

Auntie Rong couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, yes, you are the best."

After the gang hit the stick, they tried to contact Aunt Rong again and asked her if she had changed her mind. She also told her not to toast, not to eat and to drink fines. This incident was just a small lesson. If she didn't agree, what happened next would not be something she could bear.

Aunt Rong originally thought of a society ruled by law. No matter how arrogant these people are, what can they do? If these people make trouble again, they will call the police. However, she didn't expect that once she went to pick up Nuonuo from school, but when she arrived at the school, she didn't pick up anyone. The teacher said that she was taken away by someone who claimed to be Nuonuo's brother.

Immediately afterwards, Auntie Rong received a call from the group of people, and it was not until then that she realized that the boss behind those people was a lunatic. In order to achieve his goals, he will do anything.

Although Auntie Rong felt distressed for Xie Jingxian, they had to make compromises because of the safety of the family. Instead of taking the man's money, they chose to close the shop.

They have been busy all these years and are indeed a little tired. It is better to take a few years to accompany their family members, but they feel sorry for Xie Jingxian.

After telling the truth, Auntie Rong breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xie Jingxian worriedly: "Xiao Xie, where did you provoke those people? Did they embarrass you?"

Xie Jingxian shook his head, said it was fine, and at the same time apologized for the trouble it caused to Auntie Rong's family.

After Cong Rong's house left, Xie Jingxian did not continue to look for a job. In fact, he had been investigating the affairs of Aunt Rong's house for the past two days. Now that he learned the truth, he did not go home, but found a quiet shop and sat down.

This sit, sit until the sun goes down.

On the other hand, in order to fulfill his promise, Jiang Juan spent the whole day at his desk writing exam papers in addition to eating and going to the toilet. When the sky was completely dark, he realized that it was very late.

Auntie had already prepared dinner, and came up and knocked on the door to call Jiang Juan, who responded, "Wait for me, I'll go down after I finish writing two more questions."

Auntie said hello, and didn't bother here, turned around and went downstairs.

Jiang Fan quickly completed the last question, hoping for victory that he was in a good mood, but suddenly felt a pain in his hand, and the pen he was holding rolled off his hand and rolled to the ground, making a slight noise.

He was stunned for a moment, the feeling was not the tiredness of writing for a long time, but a very sharp one-like the feeling of hitting a hard object with a fist, it hurts.

Jiang Fan had been writing the test paper honestly all day, so Xie Jingxian was the only one who had the problem. Jiang Lianxin said, did Xie Jingxian fight with someone again?

During this period of time, it has been very stable, why did trouble suddenly come to the door?

Jiang Yan didn't have time to think deeply, stood up, grabbed his coat, put it on, and went downstairs. The aunt who was cooking saw him come down and greeted him with a smile, and saw Jiang Juan blowing past her like a gust of wind.

Jiang Fan told his aunt that he had something to eat at home, but he called the driver and said that he had something to do when he went out.

With 088 around, Jiang Juan was able to know Xie Jingxian's location, but if he went there rashly, it was bound to make Xie Jingxian suspicious. It would be bad if Xie Jingxian thought he was following him.

After Jiang Juan got in the car, he reported the address of the community where Xie Jingxian lived. He has a key on him, just wait at home for Xie Jingxian to come back. Anyway, Xie Jingxian won't suffer in a fight like this, that is, he definitely won't bandage the wound well, and he needs to pay attention to himself.

After Jiang Yan got off the car, he walked to the building where Xie Jingxian lived. It was nine o'clock in the evening, and many people who went out to exercise had returned.

Jiang Juan noticed that the voice of someone talking in the corridor was buzzing and quite lively. He wondered if someone came here to visit relatives. Standing at the door talking, Jiang Juan went upstairs, and found a group of people around Xie Jingxian's door. They pointed at the room, and they didn't know what they were discussing.

Jiang Fan walked over, and someone spotted him immediately and asked him, "Hey, I remember you, are you a friend of this kid?"

Jiang Yan glanced at the crowd, but there were too many people, he couldn't see anything, only smelled a pungent smell of paint. He nodded and said, "Yes, Auntie, what happened, why are you all around here?"

The man said: "Oh, the child doesn't know who they have offended. Look, these people are too poisonous."

Jiang Fan frowned, pushed past the crowd, and saw Xie Jingxian's photo, black and white, on the door and beside the wall. It was obviously a posthumous photo.

In addition to Xie Jingxian, photos of several other people were also posted on the wall. The people in the photo Jiang Juan had seen on the album in Xie Jingxian's room, they were Xie Jingxian's parents and grandfather.

Not only that, but those photos had big red crosses with red paint on them, which looked shocking.

Jiang Juan didn't expect to see such a scene, so he got angry immediately, and went up to tear up all those disgusting things. His angry fingers trembled, and his voice seemed to overflow from his lips and teeth: "Han Xingye, Qin Ying, okay, you are fine."

No one can do such a vicious thing except Han Xingye.

088 noticed that Jiang Juan was emotionally unstable and reminded him not to do stupid things. Jiang Lian smiled, but his voice was cold: "Don't worry, I don't need to get my hands dirty against this kind of person."

Glancing at the shredded paper on the ground, Jiang Lian said, "They will pay their due price for what they did today."

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