Chapter 21

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Ren Tao walked over with a sullen face, and Jiang Yan greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Ren, good evening."

The veins on Ren Tao's forehead jumped, and he said coldly, "I'm not good."

Before the holiday, Ren Taocai told his colleagues in the same office that the students in his class had grown up and sensible, especially Jiang Juan and Xu Rang. They were quiet and honest and didn't cause trouble. He was finally able to spend a holiday in peace and accompany him well. With the family.

At that time, my colleagues congratulated him, saying that he had finally survived, and he would not have to be closely watched by the school leaders in the future.

Who would have thought that it was only a few hours of vacation, and Jiang Wan, who was praised by him during this time, had another trouble. It's not enough for him to make a fuss by himself, and he also pulls the students in the class together.

"Fighting in groups." Ren Tao glanced coldly at Jiang Wan, Xie Jingxian and others one by one, and said, "It's growing."

Wang Tuo, Bai Guang and the others had never experienced this. They couldn't raise their heads under Ren Tao's reprimand, and they were even more apprehensive, worried that he would inform the parents.

Jiang Yan's face was not at all nervous. He said, "Report to the teacher, they caused trouble first, we just counterattack reasonably."

"Reasonable counterattack?" Ren Tao was about to laugh angrily. He took a deep breath, so as not to let himself lose his temper. He thought silently in his heart, these children are too old to be punished by corporal punishment!

Ren Tao raised his hand and rubbed his brows. His seat was far from Jiang Juan's side. When the conflict happened, the surrounding area couldn't get through. There were cheers and whistles, and his voice to stop was drowned out.

He saw with his own eyes the hand that Jiang Yan moved first, but now Jiang Yan is talking nonsense with his eyes open, his face is not blushing and he is not breathing.

Ren Tao said, "I saw with my own eyes that you did it first."

Jiang Yan blinked and said, "It was indeed me who moved first, but they were all for self-defense." Naturally, they meant Xie Jingxian, Wang Tuo and Dong Gao.

Ren Tao sneered: "It's very righteous." His clear eyes swept over everyone, wishing to shave a layer of their skin: "I tell you, none of you want to run away today."

Wang Tuo said: "Teacher, there is a reason for us to do it, they..."

Ren Tao was in a fit of anger, he waved his hand and said, "What is the reason, you can tell your parents later." Then he went to see the high school seniors who were lying on the ground and headed by Wang Ping.

"You are also from our school? Which class?"

Dong Gao said: "Teacher, they are in the third year of high school, that stupid big guy is named Wang Ping..."

Ren Tao's eyes widened, it wasn't enough to hit someone, and he even called someone a nickname, which was really outrageous. Dong Gao scratched his hair and shrank aside.

The young man was full of energy, and his fights were even fiercer. The students in the third year of high school were all miserable, especially Wang Ping, who was beaten with bruises and bruises.

Ren Tao had to send people to the hospital first, and then contact the head teachers of the seniors.

Before leaving the stall, Jiang Juan left the store's WeChat account, saying that he bought the orders of the guests who were disturbed. When the time came, the store notified him and he paid.

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