chapter 9: the first love is back

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At Forths appartment. He heard a knock. When he opens the door, he was shocked.

"Hi Phi" greeted New

"New?" Said Forth and New just smiles wide and nods. "Why your here?" He ask

"I am back Phi, i miss you" he said and immediately hug Forth and Kiss him on the lips. Forth was taken aback by News action but he kiss him in return.

New entered the appartment still kissing Forth and Forth lock it inside.

"I miss you Phi" said New inbetween kisses. Then Forth lost the ability to think at the moment. Because he is too happy upon seeing his first love. And right at that moment he took New to his room and they make love for the first time seeing each other after so many years.

After that heated sex.. New lay down on Forths chest and Forth plays his nose.. New got irritated with that..

"Phi..don't touch my's irritating.." he complains

"Oh..i'm sorry" he said "what happen in london?"he ask

"Nothing Phi, i just want to be with you" said New "i am sorry that i leave you behind, but i will promise now that i will never leave you anymore"

Forth embrace him again, did not ask any more question. Being with his first love again is enough for him.

"I love you Phi" said New

"I love you too" he said in return

It's been two weeks that New came back, and it's been two weeks that Forth stop his so called set-up to Beam. He even limit his time going out with his friends because he was too accupied to News comeback.

New will finish his study in Thailand. His parents agrees to that.

One morning, he accompany New to the university to enroll. It so happen that the building of Arts and design is near the medical faculty.

After they settled all the necessary requirements New saw Lam going to medical cafeteria.

" it Phi Lam?" Ask New pointing to Lam and Park.

Forth just nods.

"Ow lets go to them, i will say hi to them...and i am bit hungry too"

"But..we can eat outside" said Forth

"But Phi i want to say hi to them...please..nah..nah" pleaded New cutely. The forth pinch his nose again.

"Ouch phi..i told you already not to pinch my nose.." he complain again.


"Ok lets go to them..i am hungry" New drag Forth inside the cafeteria.

There they saw Lam and Park, together with Tul and Max siting in a long table together with the med. Gang.

New is the one who approach the group.

"Swadee kah Phis" he waid and he was a bit shocked when he saw Beam but he managed to smile.

"Oi..nong new, youre back." Said lam.

"Yes Phi.. i've been here for almost two weeks now." He said.

"Oi Forth your here too." Said park.

"Yah..i accompany nong New to settle his papers, he will study here" he said and drop his glance at Beam. Beam is silent and focused on his food, he doesn't even give a glimpse to New and Forth.

"Can we join you here for lunch Phi?" Ask New.

"O..of course" said park glancing at Beam.

"Yay..ok thank you Phi" then the two buys their food.

"Are you ok?" Whispers Phana to Beam and he just nods.

New and Forth sit across Beam. New act so lovey dovey to Forth. Dont mind the people around them. Beam just keep his head low and continue to eat. But Lam saw that his cousin were hurting, so he rescue.

He immediately get up and stand behind Beam and he covers his eyes.

"Come on cous..i have something to show you.." he said and he guided Beam to stand up and drag him to the back of the building. Soon as the two disappeared, Phana and Kit follows giving their excuse that they have something to do.

There they saw that Lam is hugging the crying Beam.

"It's ok's ok.." he whispers

Phana and Kit just stand there patting Beams back.

At the table.. there is a slight smirk that form in News lips. As if he says that "you lost again" to Beam.


New went home for two days because his mother want to see him. So forth have the time to hang out with his friends.

At the bar...Beam is there too. He is little bit drunk.

"Can we talk?" Ask Beam to Forth. All the people in the table just look at them when Phana stand up. "No Pha, don't worry. I just need to talk to him" then Phana nods.

Forth stand up and follows Beam to his car.

They drove away to Beams condo. "Why here?" Ask Forth. They are both sitting on the couch.

" said..youre going to tell me in advance if New will be back" start Beam trying his will power not to cry.

"I am sorry..he came an announced" said Forth.

"Are you happy now?"

"Yes..very much happy"

"Good then.."


"Forth...make love to me one last time." Beam blurted out

Forth was startled. "What? ..are you crazy?"

"Yes Forth.. i am crazy inlove with you"

"I am not a cheater Beam" he said and stand up but Beam grab his arm.

"Please me...just this once...please" Beam cry and begs Forth.

"After this, i'll promise that i will not bother you anymore..i promise" he cry harder..

"I love you Forth..i really really love you..just for tonight please, pretend that you love me too." He begs. Then Forth turn to face him and cupped his face.

He can see the hurt in Beams eyes,. "What did i do?" he said to himself. Then he kiss Beam.. the kiss that full of passion, love and longing.

They make love that night. He releases inside Beam for so many times that night. No withdrawal, no condom, no protection at all. After their love making Beam turn his back to Forth and instructed him to leave.

"You may leave now Forth.." he said. Forth try to reach Beam but he halt midway when Beam talks again. "From today, Beam Baramee, never knew someone named Forth Jaturapoom. Good bye Forth.. please lock the door when you leave." After he says that, he cover himself with the duvet.

Then he hears the rustling sound of Forth getting dress and in a few minutes he hears the click sound indicating that he leave the room. Then Beam burst into crying again.

"I love you, good bye..Forth"

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