chapter 21: reconciliation

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Beam continue to take care of Forth in the hospital. His parents also visited him together with his sister Bea.

"Uncle Ben thank you for your time visiting me" said Forth. Beam is doing his rounds to his patient so Forth have the time to talk to his parents and sister.

"It's ok Forth" said Ben

"And uncle, i want to say sorry...i am sorry for what i have done to Beam..." said Forth with tears in his eyes. "I know, my apology won't be enough" he continues

Belle grab his hand "Don't cry's all in the past now. And i am pretty sure that Beam don't want to talk about that anymore.. just promise us that you won't do the same thing again...or else you will never ever see him again, specially Hanna." She said

Forth nods and smile. "I won't auntie, i promise.. they are my life. I can't live without them." Ben and Belle smile at him. Yes, Forth literally can't live without Beam. They know that, Cause they also knew that Forth commited suicide but failed.

"And one more thing." Belle continues

"What is it auntie?" Ask Forth

"Call us mom and dad...hmmm?" She said

Forth smile widely and nods in agreement "Thank you so" he said

Belle and Ben just smile, then Beam came with Hanna and his sister Bea.

"Hellow grannies.." said Hana chirpily and hug her granparents.

"annyeong nae gwiyeomdung-i gom" said Ben and kiss her cheeks.
(Hello my cutie bear)

"nan dul da neomu bogo sip-eo" said Hanna and hugged them
(I miss you both so much)

"Oi..stop talking korean...looked at your dada" said Bea and point Forth. Forths confuse face can be seen clearly with his brows knotts then Hanna climbed to bed.

"Ow i am sorry dada...i just can't help it..whenever i'm with them..i always forget that i am already here in Thailand." Said Hanna and hugged her father.

"That's ok baby...maybe i will learn how to speak korean." He said.

"Really?" Said Hanna and Forth nods. "Ow great..i love you dada.." she said

"I love you too" he said. Beam and his family just stand there watching the two with glistening tears in their eyes when Bea speak again.

"Oi..ok come on,..stop that..let's eat." She pick up Hanna and make her sit in the couch and push Beam to sit at the bed, besides Forth. "Your imo is hungry" Bea said.

Belle give two portion of food to Beam, gesturing him to feed Forth. His mother insisted so theres no other option for Beam, just to obey. Then he feeds Forth. They ate silently, while smiling at each other.

"What a beautiful view" Bea said dreamily when Hanna pinch her cheeks.

"Stop that imo..feed me" she said with both hands in her waist.

"Ow..ok..i am sorry" she said and immediately feeds her annoyingly cute niece.

Beams family stays for a week then flight back to Korea with a promise that they will visit them regularly.

It's been a month since Forths accident happened, he stayed in the hospital for a month and when he fully recovered and ready to discharge his parents wants him to stay at their house but Forth insisted that he is ok and want to stay on his own condominium. But Marla way too worried about her son and then she ask Beam.

"Beam...ahm..i know this is too much...but.." she said

"What auntie?" He ask

"Is it ok...if Forth...stays with you?" She ask and Beam didn't answer for a few minutes. "Ow i am sorry...i should have not ask you that" she said thinking that Beam wouldn't agree.

"No's ok" he said

"Really?" He nods. Actually when he heard that Forth insisted to stays at his condo Beam got worried and he was shy to offer him to stays with him but luckily Marla asked for it.

"Thank you Beam"said Marla and Forth just looked at them and smile.

"'s ok...i don't want to burden you..i am ok don't have to worry Mom" he said.

"It's ok Forth. It is not safe for you to be alone, you've just recovered" said Beam "and Hanna will be happy if she will know will stay with us" said Beam.

"Thank you" mumbled Forth and Beam just nods.

At Beams house.

"Mama why is it dada sleep at the guest room?" Ask Hanna

"Hmmmm?" Said Beam

"He should stay at your room right? What if something happen to him in the middle of the night and he is alone?"

"But baby...maybe youre dada needs some privacy?" Ask Beam

"Mama..he doesn't need privacy..all he needs is to be with you..don't you get it?" Said Hanna rolling his eye.

"But what can i do.. he said he will stay there..maybe he doesn't want to be with me" said Beam pouting like a child.

"Geezzz..just like you..dada thinks that too." She said and step out of the bed

"Where are you going?" Ask Beam

"To dada..i will tell him that he sleeps with you." Before Beam can utter a word Hanna walk out of the room.

Actually Forth heard their conversation "I always want to be with you love..but i am too coward to say it" Forth murmurs when he see Hanna walked out of the room.

"Dada youre here" said Hanna

"Yes baby"

"You heard us...right? Asked Hanna amd Forth just nods. "Well?"

"I want to be with your mom and ofcourse i also wants to be with tonight we will sleep all together..hmmm?" Said Forth and Hanna agreed happily.

After few minutes. Hanna came back with Forth holding a tray with cookies and three glass of milk.

Beam stares at them.

"Mama..dada prepares us milk. And we will sleep together here tonight and tomorrow, only you and dada...ok?" Forth chuckles and Beam blushed.

They'd finished drinking their milk and now they are lying on the bed with Hanna at the middle. Hanna grab her fathers left arm and the Beams right arm and place above her tummy. As if they both hugging their daughter. "Good night mama, good night dada" she said while kissing them on the cheeks.

" good night baby" both of the said and kiss hannas forehead.

"Thank you Beam" said Forth.

"For what?" Ask Beam

"For everything...for accepting me again"

"Who said i am accepting you again?" Said Beam with serious face then Forth smiles fade.

"I am sorry." Said Forth lowering his head.

"For what?" Ask Beam again

"For...for..asumming things." Said almost in whisper.

Then Beam got up, with his elbow supporting his head and looked at Forth. "I love you Mr. Jaturapoom and i am not accepting you again..cause never in my life that i rejected you" he said while intertwining their fingers. then Forths head lift up, he cry. Tears is visible in his eyes.

"Beam..."he said and can't control his tears.

"Shhhh...don't cry nah...Hanna might wake up." He said and lean over to Forth and wipe his tears. "Such a cry baby..hmmmm?" He said and Forth chuckles.

"I love you Beam." Said Forth

"I love you too Forth" said Beam and peck Forths lips. "Let's sleep, it's getting have to regain your strength love cause i tell you. This daughter of yours, sleeping like an angel, but she is too much to handle when she wakes up." Said Beam and they both chuckles whispering i love you's at each other before drifted to sleep.

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