Under Umbrella's

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You walked arms crossed through the rain without an umbrella muttering to yourself

"Why didnt i take a fucking Umbrella"

You head someone approach you from behind you

You sped up not wanting to die like in the horror movies


You kept walking

The strides of the guy behind you got longer and he reached you

You shut your eyes preparing to get knocked out or somthing

But instead the rain ceased to drum onto your body

You looked up and saw the top of an umbrella

You looked to your side and saw a platinum blonde haired boy.

Man was he tall

"Thank you " you shivered

He looked down at you shivering and he handed you the umbrella

Your hands were shaking and you could barely hold it

He took off his jacket and put it over your shoulders, took the umbrella, and zipped it up

You stared into his icy eyes wondering who he was

"Who are you" his accent caught you by surprise but you immediately fell in love with it

"Y/n. I just moved here, i used to go to ilvermony"

He smiled "y/n... i like your name."

"Thank you whats yours" you stuttered saying that qhole sentence because of your chattering teeth

He chuckled " Malfoy, Draco malfoy "
You smiled

He pointed to a manor on your right

"I live right here. Please come in and get warm"

You hesitated

He grinned at your hesitation

"I promise your safe"

You stuck out your pinky finger

He looked at your finger than at you and than at your finger again

He smiled and took ur finger "promise"

You both walked to his manor chatting as much as possible clicking instantly

He introduced you to his mother qho met you at tbe door
She got you warm clothes and led you to the bathroom to dry yourself off and change

Once finished draco invited you to stay for dinner

He liked you already and you could tell

"Why were you out without an umbrella "

"It wasnt raining when i left, where did you come from with the umbrella "

"The same place as you, i saw you in the bookstore"

You smiled

"The amount of books you ordered is surreal"

"I can explain. Ive got a huge bookshelf and no new books"

He laughed "so youre new"

You nodded "we could be friends.. you live close and i like you"

He smiled and nodded "sure. Youre going to Hogwarts right?"

"Yeah! Im really excited"

He looosd at the floor

"You dont like it?"

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