I hate my life

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Hey it's Payten, and I just want to tell you guys about a hard time in my life. when I was littler I self harmed. like almost everyday. I wasn't that little I was probably about 10 to about 12. I started because my sister Gabby would do it. That was the biggest mistake of my life. I thought it was cool because people at school did it too. People said that it helps channel anger and it helps with depression but that's not true. I started because I was depressed I had small boobs and people made fun of me. I wasn't really abused though. I just got smacked in the face or spanked or sometimes pushed. Well I'm done I'm not gonna say anything else about it so bye.

< hey guys it's payten love you sorry about the short story but I can't really say much more because I don't feel comfortable telling everybody so sorry>

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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