chapter 8

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These two butt heads have been staring at each other for like the longest time. like this is not freaking ok.

"Hey guys, snap out of it," i said as i snapped in their faces. "Oh sorry but he is so cute like wow," Kristain whispered to me. "oh i heard that and your so beautiful, that if i wasn't supposed to be in a relationship i would so date you," Jason said smiling. Once relationship can out of his mouth Kristains smile fell. "your dating someone," she asked quiet]ly. "Well not really dating, me and your friend over here are supposed to get marred, she didn't tell you," he said looking at me funny. "your marrying him," she screamed." im supposed to but you can have him if you want him, Were over," i said as i picked my bag up and walked out the library, because i couldn't stand to watch a happy couple.

As i walked down the hall way all eyes where on me and the whisperers were something real,until some stupid b**** pushed me into the freaking lockers.

"That's what you get for being a hoe, keep your HIV laced hands off my man you whore," this rat looking B**** screamed at me. I quickly jumped up onto my feet and dropped my bag."WTF are you talking about, you rat," I screamed at her retreating back. Her head whipped around so fast i thought she might have broken her neck.

"I'm taking about your stank a** f***ing trey in the library," she yelled. Which successfully drew a crowd. "You seriously think i f***ed his a**, did you sit there and watch use or is this from your other rat looking a** friends," i calmly said. "I saw y'all with my two eyes i watched the whole thing," she said with this huge smirk on her face. "Oh really are you sure your not talking about your hoe a**, and you f***ing Frank in the closet," i said with a smirk. "I think you should go get those cold sores on your lip checked out make sure you don't have anything," i said and i picked up my bag anf walked through the crowd

As i walked to the locker room i was pulled back into a hard chest. "WTF that hurt," i said while my eyes traveled up from the persons sculpted chest to there face. To sadly come face to face with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. the ones that made me go from the girl that blended in to the girl that everyone talked about, that b****. "What do you want Trey,I have to go to class," i said kinda irritated by him and his sexy eyes at the moment. "You missed 6th period, why'd you skip it," he said with worry writen all throughout his eyes. "Why do you care, you can go crawling back to your slave master ashley, because you dumped me once for her so you can dump me again for her."i said with a shrug tryng to get his hand off me .But to my sadness his grip tighten around it.

"shes not my master, and you know your kinda becoming like her," he said with anger laced in his voice.

"oh really wll you please explain to me how I'm a narcissistic,egotist, with a god complex, that needs to bring others down so i will feel better about myself," i said

"How can you say that about the girl that was your best friend, we all used to be friends," he slightly yelled. "the key word in that sentience is was, she dumped me to become a hoe, I'm sorry if i don't want to be run over by all of y'all, now can you let me go please," i said looking at the floor

"Why do you still do that?" he asked "do what" "look down theirs something wrong with you," he stated. "It's nothing now can you let me go i have to go," i said as i yanked my arm out of his grip and ran into the locker room.

***on the track***

I have Literally done 12 freaking laps straight, my legs feel like they are about to give out. I'm coming through the finish line and the boys where standing by it. so i tried to calmly walk to the side but me being me my legs give out. so on my way down to face planting i closed my eyes, but i didn't know that my world would be consumed by black. As two strong arms caught my limp body.

Authors note

To all my avid readers out their on this place we call the internet im so sorry for the slow updates i knoe i prob lost a lot of you because of it but i hope the ones that stay like my book even with the slow updates. Thank you and keep the love

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