Chapter 1

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   Jessicas POV

I had just walked into school when my name was called on the inter com "Jessica White please report to the office, I repet Jessica White please report" the intercom thing said. I quickly made my way there trying not to attract attention to myself. once I got there I was greeted by miss Simon and was escorted into the principals office. " ohhh Jessica just the student I was looking for, please sit" Mr. Wayne said.

I sat down and noticed that there was someone there too." We have a new student and I thought you would be the perfect person to show him around Jessica this is Aiden, and Aiden this is Jessica she is our straight A student" the boy sitting next to me turned my way and I nearly fainted. He did he had big brown eys nice soft looking curly hair and a sexy face "Jessica, Jessica hello Jessica" mr. wayne snapped his fingers in my face . " oh, yes sir?" I said a little too loudly. Aiden just smirked at me "Well he has all the same classes as you do including track and i also excused you both from your first 4 periods, ok now you are free to go" Mr Wayne said.

We both nodded and walk out his office towards miss simons desk " Hi i need a schedule for aiden please" I said smiling sweetly. she handed it to me and i gave it to him. we stood there for like 5 minuts just staring at each other but he started staring at my arm which made me really un comfortable. so I pulled my sleeve down. "You dont have to hide it, I think its cute." I just smiled and pulled him into the hallway so I could show him around the school.

Everything was going smoothly until I was pushed into a locker. "You little slut, get your discusting hands off my man." I just sat there while she yelled at me. then she started to punch and kick me and then her little groupes jumped in too. They finally backed of when they saw blood. they walked away laughing and high fiving each other.I quickly picked myself up and ran to the bathroom. But before I went in I looked back and saw Aiden was just staring at me in shock.

Once i got to the bathroom i ran into a stall and started to cry. After a while I heard the door open and close. "Jessica come on, please come out.' I stayed quiet hoping that if i said nothing that he would just go away. Then I heard the door close so I got up and went to look at myself in the mirror. my nose was bloody, I have bruises all over my face, then I lifted up my shirt and there where so many bruises there too.I started crying all over again. " god damn, why me?!' I screeched sinking to my knees to the floor curled up into a ball and cried. But then there was a hand wiping my tears from my face..

I opend one of my eyes to see Aiden sitting infront of me. "Are you ok?" he asked me. I looked at him incredulously 'Does it look like im ok?! I get beaten up everyday making me even uglyer than i already am. One of my only two freids is sick so I have no one today until 7th period, nobody likes me because I look different  because of this stupid birth defect, do you know how it feels to be looked at like your some kind of alian every single day, no of course you dont because you're mr perfect with your amazing eyes and perfect body, you arent differnt, i am. so no IM NOT OK!"I yelled  at him

" Im going home, im sorry get ms perfect to show you around."  I started to walk away from him until he grabed my arm. " no wait, please dont go." he started to give me a puppy dog face.  damn your good looks "fine." I said giving in. " Dont think i didnt hear you say i have beautiful eyes and a great body." he said smirking again. I instantly started to blush, I punched him lightly on the arm "whatever,". i gave him a tour of the rest of the school until lunch

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