chapter 4

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Well that felt so freaking good. i knocked that mother f'er unconscious. He needed me to knock some sence into him, but now im trying to figure out why i cant do that to Ashley. so at the moment im trying to wake Aiden up.

                                                                        ******* 1 hour later

i have litteraly ate watched like 4 episodes on Netflix and ate a whole bag of popcorn while aiden has been knocked out, and the funny thing is, that my sister nor lauren have come to see what has happend. "oww what the H*** happend, why am i bleeding." aiden said in this really sexy groggy voice. Even though he's an A**, he is still so freacking fine.

        "umm, well what had happend was i ki...." he interrupted me mid sentence. "DID YOU BEAT ME UP." he yelled. " Well if you would have let me finish i could have told you that, you made me mad so i kinda beat you unconscious." i snapped back. "What the h*** Jessica why would you do that." he yelled at me again. " can you please stop yelling at me i hate yelling, and you were being an a** to me so i got mad and hit you a couple of times." i said. "let me help you clean up." so i walked him into my attached bathroom. i made him sit on the counter and got the first aid kit. in the procces of cleaning the blood off of him, he decided to talk. "can i ask you a quesion." he asked. "ya sure i think i should let you after i beat the c*** out if you." i said with a laugh. " i was caught by surprise, but back to my question" he said in a serious face. "fine whatever flouts your boat." i said laughing even more.

         "Why do you look at yourself like you are scum on the ground," he blurted out, and that caught me off guard. "Umm, it was kinda drilled into my head that i wasnt good enough, that i was ugly, since the first grade ashley has been bullying me, she beats me black and blue so i just started to feel like trash, that no matter how nice i dressed nobody would ever look at me like i was ugly so i just stopped trying because nobody would like me anyway." i said while wiping the blood off of hs lip. But it was kinda hard because his mouth was hanging open. like litteraly on the floor.

        "why are you making that face at me," i asked. He looked like a dear in the head light. Like just heard the crazyest thing ever. " I never know you felt that way about yourself." he said. "how were you supposed to know you met me today."i said


        after i got that off my chest, Aiden and i have been laying on my bed talking. "Jessica Madison White get you butt down stairs." my vary angry sounding sister yelled." you need to stay here and be quiet" i said as i ran out of my room. oh c*** what did i do now. once i got all the way down the stairs. i see a very dressed up Veve. "why so dressed up sister dearest." i said in the sweetest voice possible. " yet your butt in the blac dress i got out for you, put the heels on, and if your not down here in the next 10 minutes so god help me im coming up there." she yelled. my eyes widend and i ran like freaking usain Bolt to my room. i problly broke his record. once  got back to my room i peeled my clothes off and quickly changed into my dress and shoes.

        "oh my gosh Jessica where not even dating and your already striping for me," said a very cocky voice. S*** i forgot he was in my room. " you and your annoying A** need to get out my room before my si..." my door bursts open reveling my fuming sister. like if smock could come out of her ears it would be. " You are taking so long because of that boy' she yelled "you need to leave now." she yelled at him." and you put yur shoes on now, we are almost late." i quickly waved goodbye to Aiden and followed my sister out my room and out to the car. "where are we going that i have to look all nice." i asked. "you will see." she replyed while smiling


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