Episode 16 | The angel of silence

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We eat in silence. I chose to sit beside my father, instead of taking the chair across the table, so that we are both facing the ocean. Carlo concentrates on his food, never glancing in my direction, as if avoiding me. I prefer like that, too, so I can concentrate on the news he has just fed me. I am feeling so full that my appetite seems to have vanished.

His story has only given rise to more questions. Why had he and Catherine hidden so many things from me? My father's poverty, his tough beginning as an artist... And if I have understood well, my mother has hidden something about that Armand de Montbelle... probably, that Carlo left us for him. Otherwise, what is the point in Carlo telling me a story about his relationship with a man who is a complete stranger to me? And this apparition thing? The 'revelation' talk... what is that supposed to be?!

"Ma che meraviglia! This food is really wonderful!" my father exclaims in between bites. He is the typical Italian who enjoys eating and appreciates good food. "How did you learn about this place, Laurent?"

I drop the bomb.

"It belongs to a friend of Dan Charmand, who recommended it to me..."

For nearly two decades now, Dan has been the director to Vice's Contemporary Art Museum, where my exhibition is opening tomorrow. His passionate, diligent work, along with his charisma and unstoppable determination, are responsible for VI/CAM being one of the most important and prestigious museums in the world. Consequently, Dan is one the most powerful and influential men in the Olympus of Art.

"You know Charmand!"

My father shows his dismay, already. Without even knowing that Dan has also been the artistic mentor for my whole career. The walls of the Nirvana Lounge are covered with Romantic portraits curated by him, good enough but not too valuable to be displayed in an ambient with the steam and smell of food. Is he trying to teach me another lesson in art?, I wondered when I entered the Lounge, a couple of hours before. Rules were that the owner of the restaurant couldn't have paid Dan for his consultancy directly, since his position in the Museum does not allow it. But Dan was made free of charge at the lounge, and has extended the privilege to me for one night.

"How come?!" My father inquires further. "Of course... Did you meet him just now, for your show?"

"No, not really." I pause for a moment, thinking of my strategy. How much do I want to reveal? "I met Dan... Mr. Charmand, I called him at the beginning, ha-ha... some ten years ago, when I was going to the university here. Dan helped me make the decision to drop out of Journalism School. He has been... like a father to me." I use the word on purpose, savoring it. My father and I converse without looking at each other, as I if talking to our food. But now I have to glance sideways, to watch Carlo's reaction.

"Dan Charmand... fatherly?!?" Carlo gasps, leaving his fork on the plate. "That's the first time, ever, I hear anything nice being said about him! Dictator, despot, tyrant... that's more like him! Have I heard you call him simply... Dan?!" My father won't hide his astonishment, and for the first time this evening, he is agitated. "How in hell have you met him?" His voice raises slightly. I rejoice at seeing him a bit angry, perhaps jealous even. "Oh my God!" Carlo lifts himself off the chair, as if he is going somewhere. Is he running away? Or is he going to slap me? "Will I see Dan in one of your portraits?" He grimaces, finally looking in my direction.

"Ha-ha, Carlo! You mean..." I smile broadly, finding pleasure in teasing my father. To be honest, I delight in the strong aversion he shows for Dan. "No, Dan is not one of my ex-lovers..." And pronouncing my friend's name in a way that stresses our intimacy, I enjoy the effect of my words as Carlo raises his eyebrows, and glares at me, severely. I know just what he is thinking. "Nor is he my present lover, Carlo." I wasn't going to encourage, not with my father, the rumor that has often enough circulated in the Arts world - that, among Dan's boys, I am the only permanent. "I don't even have one, at the moment... But never mind. I met Dan through-" I clean my throat to speak the doomed name, "Angelo, my boyfriend at the time. Dan owed Angelo a few favors, let's put it that way. And Angelo owed me many favors!" The last two years of my relationship with Angelo were the worst of my life in Vice City. "He was... continuously cheating me at that time. But I loved him and would forgive him repeatedly. I was so afraid to lose him, I would do anything to keep him, and I think Angelo felt guilty sometimes..." I confess, though I know Carlo is interested in Charmand instead of Angelo.

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